Hideo Suganuma

菅沼 秀夫

Theoretical Physicist at Kyoto University



Full list of papers: Original Refereed Papers in Scientific Journals (No.1-No.105) ;
Refereed Conference Papers in Scientific Journals (No.106-No.184) ;
Conference Papers in Proceedings (No.185-No.247) .
Invited talks at International Conferences: Invited Talks at International Conferences .



Dimensional Reduction Gauge and Effective Dimensional Reduction in Four-dimensional Yang-Mills Theory
K. Tohme and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D110 (2024) 034505 (16 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Numerical Analysis of a Baryon and its Dilatation Modes in Holographic QCD
K. Hori, H. Suganuma and H. Kanda
Physical Review D109 (2024) 014030 (22 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Remnants of Quark Model in Lattice QCD Simulation in the Coulomb Gauge
H. Ohata and H. Suganuma
European Physical Journal A60 (2024) 97 (13 pages).
[European Physical Journal A] [Physics database]

Thermodynamic Potential of the Polyakov Loop in SU(3) Quenched Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, H. Ohata and M. Kitazawa
International Journal of Modern Physics A39 (2024) 2443012 (11 pages).
[Int. J. Mod. Phys. A] [Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Color-Magnetic Correlation in SU(3) Lattice QCD
XVIth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum''
Cairns, Australia, 19- 24 August 2024.


Review Article in Book:

Quantum Chromodynamics, Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking:
a bridge between elementary particle physics and nuclear physics
H. Suganuma
``Handbook of Nuclear Physics", (Springer, 2023) 22-1 (48 pages), ISBN: 978-981-19-6344-5.
[Springer Link]


Local Polyakov-Loop Fluctuation and Center Domains in Quark-Gluon Plasma with Many Colors
Y. Nakajima and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (LATTICE2023) (2023) 204 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Thermodynamic Potential of the Polyakov Loop in SU(3) Quenched Lattice QCD
12th International Conference on ``New Frontiers in Physics'' (ICNFP2023)
Crete, Greece, 10-23 July 2023.

[ポスター (PDF)] [スライド (PDF)]



Study of Hadron Masses with Faddeev-Popov Eigenmode Projection in the Coulomb Gauge
H. Ohata and H. Suganuma
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 274 (2022) 02007 (8 pages).
[EPJ Web Conf (PDF)] [Physics database]

Z_N Structure of Deconfinement Vacuum and Appearance of Nambu-Goldstone Modes in the Large-N Yang-Mills Theory
Y. Nakajima and H. Suganuma
arXiv 2212.13874 [hep-th] (15 pages)
[Physics database]



Clear Correlation between Monopoles and the Chiral Condensate in SU(3) QCD
H. Ohata and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D103 (2021) 054505 (8 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Local Correlation among the Chiral Condensate, Monopoles, and Color Magnetic Fields in Abelian Projected QCD *Invited Paper*
H. Suganuma and H. Ohata
Universe 2021, 7 (2021) 318 (17 pages)
Special Isuue ``Modern Approaches to Non-Perturbative QCD and other Confining Gauge Theories".
[Universe] [Physics database]



Gluonic-Excitation Energies and Abelian Dominance in SU(3) QCD
H. Ohata and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D102 (2020) 014512 (7 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Topological Objects in Holographic QCD
H. Suganuma and K. Hori
Physica Scripta 95 (2020) 074014 (9 pages).
[Physica Scripta] [Physics database]



Non-abelian Higgs Theory in a Strong Magnetic Field and Confinement
H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Confinement 2018) (2019) 064 (8 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Monopole Dominance of Confinement in SU(3) Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma and N. Sakumichi
Proceedings of Science (Confinement 2018) (2019) 267 (8 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Topological Objects in Holographic QCD
8th International Conference on ``New Frontiers in Physics'' (ICNFP2019)
Crete, Greece, 21-29 August 2019.



「強電磁場中での対称性の振る舞い ~1988-92 年の研究」
「高密度クォーク・ハドロン物質と中性子星」研究会報告 p.39-p.49
和文論文 (PDF) 

-Talk at International Conference:
Non-abelian Higgs Theory in a Strong Magnetic Field and Confinement
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XIII''
Maynooth, Ireland, 31 July - 6 August 2018.



Relating Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi, K. Redlich and C. Sasaki
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44 (2017) 124001 (19 pages).
[J. Phys. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics] [Physics database]

Matter-Antimatter Coexistence Method for Finite Density QCD toward a Solution of the Sign Problem *Invited Paper*
H. Suganuma
Journal of Modern Physics 8 (Computational Physics and its Application) (2017) 2034-2041.
[Journal of Modern Physics (PDF)] [Physics database]

A Study of the H-dibaryon in Holographic QCD
K. Matsumoto, Y. Nakagawa and H. Suganuma
Japan Physical Society Conference Proceedings 13 (2017) 020014 (5 pages).
[JPS Conf Proc (PDF)] [Physics database]

Some Relations for Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi, K. Redlich and C. Sasaki
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 137 (2017) 04003 (11 pages).
[EPJ Web Conf (PDF)] [Physics database]

Holographic QCD for H-dibaryon (uuddss)
H. Suganuma and K. Matsumoto
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 137 (2017) 13018 (6 pages).
[EPJ Web Conf (PDF)] [Physics database]

Polyakov Loop Fluctuations in terms of Dirac Eigenmodes
T. M. Doi, K. Redlich, C. Sasaki and H. Suganuma
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 10 (2017) 543-547.
[Acta Phys. Polon. (PDF)]

Interplay between Deconfinement and Chiral Properties *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi, K. Redlich and C. Sasaki
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 10 (2017) 741-745.
[Acta Phys. Polon. (PDF)] [Physics database]

Matter-Antimatter Coexistence Method for Finite Density QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 10 (2017) 989-994.
[Acta Phys. Polon. (PDF)] [Physics database]

1+1 Large Nc QCD and its Holographic Dual
- Soliton Picture of Baryons in Single-Flavor World
H. Suganuma, Y. Nakagawa and K. Matsumoto
Japan Physical Society Conference Proceedings 13 (2017) 020013 (5 pages).
[JPS Conf Proc (PDF)] [Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Matter-Antimatter Coexistence Method for Finite Density QCD
International Workshop on ``Excited QCD 2017 (eQCD2017)''
Sintra, Portugal, 7-13 May 2017.



Analytical Formulae of the Polyakov and Wilson Loops with Dirac Eigenmodes in Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Oxford U. Press) 2016 (2016) 013B06 (15 pages).
[Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys.] [Physics database]

Tetraquark and Pentaquark Systems in Lattice QCD *Invited Paper* *Cited 30+ *
F. Okiharu, T. Doi, H. Ichie, H. Iida, N. Ishii, M. Oka, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Journal of Modern Physics 7 (Special Issue on QCD) (2016) 774-789.
[Journal of Modern Physics (PDF)] [Physics database]

Non-perturbative Analysis of Various Mass Generation by Gluonic Dressing Effect with the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism in QCD *Invited Paper*
S. Imai and H. Suganuma
Journal of Modern Physics 7 (Special Issue on QCD) (2016) 790-805.
[Journal of Modern Physics (PDF)] [Physics database]

Perfect Abelian Dominance of Confinement in Quark-Antiquark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma and N. Sakumichi
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1701 (2016) 020016 (8 pages).
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Analysis for Relation between Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
T. M. Doi, H. Suganuma and T. Iritani
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1701 (2016) 030004 (12 pages).
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Perfect Abelian Dominance of Confinement in Mesons and Baryons in SU(3) Lattice QCD
N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 126 (2016) 04042 (8 pages).
[EPJ Web Conf (PDF)]

Analytical Formulae linking Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
T. M. Doi, K. Redlich, C. Sasaki and H. Suganuma
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 126 (2016) 04016 (7 pages).
[EPJ Web Conf (PDF)]

The Three-Quark Potential and Perfect Abelian Dominance in SU(3) Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma and N. Sakumichi
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2015) (2016) 323 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Dirac Spectrum Representation of Polyakov Loop Fluctuations in Lattice QCD
T. M. Doi, K. Redlich, C. Sasaki and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2015) (2016) 315 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conferences:

Interplay between Deconfinement and Chiral Properties
International Conference on ``Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement 2016 (CPOD2016)''
Wroclaw, Poland, 30 May - 4 June 2016.

Some Relations for Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XII''
Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 August - 3 September 2016.



Three-Quark Potential and Abelian Dominance of Confinement in SU(3) QCD
N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D92 (2015) 034511 (7 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Polyakov Loop Fluctuations in the Dirac Eigenmode Expansion
T. M. Doi, K. Redlich, C. Sasaki and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D92 (2015) 094004 (9 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

-Talk at International Conference:
The Three-Quark Potential and Perfect Abelian Dominance in SU(3) Lattice QCD
33rd International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2015)
Kobe, Japan, 14-18 July, 2015

Anatomy of Nonperturbative QCD Vacuum -Confinement and Chiral Symmetry
Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM), Germany,16 September 2015



Perfect Abelian Dominance of Quark Confinement in SU(3) QCD *Cited 35+ *
N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D90 - Rapid Communications (2014) 111501(R) (6 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Temporally Odd-Number Lattice QCD
T. M. Doi, H. Suganuma and T. Iritani
Physical Review D90 (2014) 094505 (15 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Analysis of the Polyakov Loop in terms of Dirac Eigenmodes
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Oxford U. Press) 2014 (2014) 033B03 (20 pages).
[Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys.] [PTEP (PDF)] [Physics database]

Quark Scalar, Axial and Pseudoscalar Charges in the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism
N. Yamanaka, S. Imai, T. M. Doi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D89 (2014) 074017 (28 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Analytical Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
in terms of Polyakov Loop and Dirac Eigenmodes in Odd-Number Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
Proceedings of Science (QCD-TNT-III) (2014) 042 (12 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Analytical Relation between Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
in Odd-Number Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 71 (2014) 00129 (8 pages).
[EPJ Web Conf (PDF)] [Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Perfect Abelian Dominance of Confinement in Quark-Antiquark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI''
St. Petersburg, Russia, 7-13 September 2014.



Gluon Propagators in Maximally Abelian Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 35+*
S. Gongyo and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D87 (2013) 074506 (12 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Quark Tensor Charge and Electric Dipole Moment within the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism *cited 40+*
N. Yamanaka, T.M. Doi, S. Imai and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D88 (2013) 074036 (16 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Analytical Relation between Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
Proceedings of Science (Hadron 2013) (2013) 121 (5 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Study for Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
on Temporally Odd-Number Lattice
T. M. Doi, H. Suganuma and T. Iritani
Proceedings of Science (Hadron 2013) (2013) 122 (5 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Quark Tensor and Axial Charges within the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism
N. Yamanaka, T. M. Doi, S. Imai and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Hadron 2013) (2013) 123 (5 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

A Non-perturbative Effect of Gluons for Scalar Diquark in the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism
S. Imai and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Hadron 2013) (2013) 148 (5 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Analytical Relation between the Polyakov Loop and Dirac Eigenvalues
in Temporally Odd-Number Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2013) (2013) 374 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

A Direct Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
in Temporally Odd-Number Lattice QCD
T. M. Doi, H. Suganuma and T. Iritani
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2013) (2013) 375 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Analytical Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
in terms of Polyakov Loop and Dirac Eigenmodes in Odd-Number Lattice QCD
QCD-TNT-III International Workshop on ``From Quarks and Gluons to Hadronic Matter: A bridge too far?''
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2-6 September 2013.

素粒子論領域・理論核物理領域 合同シンポジウム
2013年3月28日, 於 広島大学
講演ファイル (PDF)  シンポジウムのウェブ

千葉大学 大学院理学研究科 物理学コース
素粒子論研究室 基礎物理学特別講義IV
2013年 2月7日(木)・8日(金)



Gauge-Invariant Formalism with a Dirac-mode Expansion for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking *Cited 40+*
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D86 (2012) 034510 (11 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance in Maximally Abelian Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 50+*
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D86 (2012) 094018 (5 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Analysis for Faddeev-Popov Eigenmodes in terms of Gluonic Momentum Components in the Coulomb Gauge
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D86 (2012) 074034 (9 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Study for Stringy Excitation and Role of UV Gluons
H. Ueda, T. M. Doi, S. Fujibayashi, S. Tsutsui, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2012) 046 (8 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

SU(3) Lattice QCD Study of the Gluon Propagator in Maximally Abelian Gauge:
Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2012) 050 (8 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Polyakov Loop Analysis with Dirac-mode Expansion
T. Iritani, S. Gongyo and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2012) 053 (8 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Study of Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking with Dirac-mode Expansion
H. Suganuma, S. Gongyo and T. Iritani
Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2012) 081 (8 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Stringy Excitation and Role of UV Gluons in Lattice QCD
H. Ueda, T. M. Doi, S. Fujibayashi, S. Tsutsui, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 211 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Analytical Derivation of Gauge Fields from Link Variables in SU(3) Lattice QCD
and its Application in Maximally Abelian Gauge
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 212 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Dirac-Mode Expansion for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
H. Suganuma, S. Gongyo and T. Iritani
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 217 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Dirac-Mode Expansion Analysis for Polyakov Loop
T. Iritani, S. Gongyo and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 218 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

『原子核研究』 57巻 Supplement 1, 2013年1月 <夏の学校特集号> 45-48.
和文論文 (PDF) 



Instantaneous Interquark Potential in Generalized Landau Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD:
A Linkage between the Landau and the Coulomb Gauges
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D83 (2011) 054502 (14 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Relevant Gluonic Momentum for Confinement and Gauge-Invariant Formalism with Dirac-mode Expansion *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and A. Yamamoto
Proceedings of Science (QCD-TNT-II) (2011) 044 (12 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Study for Confinement in Hadrons *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. Iritani, F. Okiharu, T.T. Takahashi and A. Yamamoto
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1388 (2011) 195-201.
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Fast Vacuum Decay into Quark Pairs in Strong Color Electric and Magnetic Fields
Y. Hidaka, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 1388 (2011) 516-519.
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Fast Vacuum Decay into Particle Pairs in Strong Electric and Magnetic Fields
Y. Hidaka, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
International Conference on Physics in Intense Fields, KEK, Japan, 24-26 November 2010
KEK Proceedings (2011) 150-152.
[Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Relevant Gluonic Momentum for Confinement and Gauge-Invariant Formalism with Dirac-mode Expansion
QCD-TNT International Workshop on ``QCD Green's Functions, Confinement, and Phenomenology II''
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 5-9 September 2011.

広島大学 大学院理学研究科 物理科学専攻
2011年 7月6日(水)~8日(金)



Relevant Gluonic Energy Scale of Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking from Lattice QCD
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D81 (2010) 014506 (6 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Analysis for Instantaneous Interquark Potential in Generalized Landau Gauge
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (LAT2010) (2010) 277 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Study for Gluon Propagator and Gluon Spectral Function
H. Suganuma, T. Iritani, A. Yamamoto and H. Iida
Proceedings of Science (LAT2010) (2010) 289 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Relevant Momentum Components of Gluons for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (LAT2010) (2010) 294 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Baryons and Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma, A. Hosaka and T. Kojo
International Workshop on``Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09'', Osaka, Japan, 16-19 November 2009
World Scientific (2010) 117-123.

Instantaneous Interquark Potential in Generalized Landau Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD:
A Possible Gauge for the Quark Potential Model
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
e-Print arXiv:1011.4767 [hep-lat] (13 pages).
[Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Lattice QCD Study for Confinement in Hadrons
International Conference on ``Structure of Baryons'' : Baryons'10
Osaka, Japan, 7-11 December 2010.

理論核物理領域・素粒子論領域 合同シンポジウム
2010年9月12日, 於 九州工業大学
講演ファイル (PDF)  シンポジウムのウェブ



Gluon-Propagator Functional Form in the Landau Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD:
Yukawa-type Gluon Propagator and Anomalous Gluon Spectral Function *Cited 55+ *
T. Iritani, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Physical Review D80 (2009) 114505 (20 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Relevant Energy Scale of Color Confinement from Lattice QCD *Cited 30*
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D79 (2009) 054504 (11 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Brane-induced Skyrmion on S3: Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD *Cited 30+*
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Physical Review D79 (2009) 026005 (25 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Skyrmions with Holography and Hidden Local Symmetry
K. Nawa, A. Hosaka and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D79 (2009) 126005 (7 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Analysis for Gluons *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. Iritani, A. Yamamoto and H. Iida
Proceedings of Science (QCD-TNT09) (2009) 044 (12 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Baryons and Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD from Superstring
H. Suganuma, K. Nawa and T. Kojo
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 186 (2009) 248-251.
[Nuclear Physics B PS] [Physics database]

Correlation between ``Tang-Tibet Wars'' and independence of Eastern Eurasia nations
in the latter half of the seventh century: ``Unification of Korean peninsula by Silla'',
``Revival of Turk'', ``Revolt of Khitan'' and ``Founding of Palhae''
『史窓』,第66号 (京都女子大学史学会,2009年) 1-22頁.
Paper (PDF) 

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Lattice QCD Analysis for Gluons
QCD-TNT International Workshop on ``QCD Green's Functions, Confinement, and Phenomenology''
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 7-11 September 2009.

「格子QCDによるクォーク多体系の物理 (Multi-Quark Physics with Lattice QCD)」
理論核物理領域・実験核物理領域・素粒子実験領域・素粒子論領域 合同シンポジウム
「Multiquark hadrons probed by various flavors - Crossover of B-factory, LEPS and J-PARC」
2009年3月30日, 於 立教大学
講演ファイル (PDF)  シンポジウムのウェブ

名古屋大学 大学院理学研究科 多元数理科学研究科
2009年 1月14日(水)~16日(金)



Lattice Analysis for the Energy Scale of QCD Phenomena *Cited 30+ *
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 241601 (4 pages).
[Physical Review Letters] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Study of the Heavy-Heavy-Light Quark Potential
A. Yamamoto, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Physical Review D78 (2008) 014513 (10 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Quark Motional Effects on the Interquark Potential in Baryons
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D77 (2008) 014036 (7 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Heavy-Heavy-Light Quark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD
A. Yamamoto, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Physics Letters B664 (2008) 129-132.
[Physics Letters B] [Physics database]

Inter-Quark Potentials in Baryons and Multi-Quark Systems in QCD
H. Suganuma, A. Yamamoto, N. Sakumichi, T.T. Takahashi, H. Iida and F. Okiharu
Modern Physics Letters A23 (2008) 2331-2339.
[Modern Physics Letters A] [Physics database]

Properties of Scalar-Quark Systems in SU(3)c Lattice QCD
H. Iida, T.T. Takahashi and H. Suganuma
Modern Physics Letters A23 (2008) 2344-2347.
[Modern Physics Letters A] [Physics database]

Baryons with Holography
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Modern Physics Letters A23 (2008) 2364-2367.
[Modern Physics Letters A] [Physics database]

Survival of Charmonia above Tc in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
H. Iida, T. Doi, N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 174 (2008) 238-241.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

Heavy-Heavy-Light Quark Potential in Two Approaches
A. Yamamoto, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 174 (2008) 270-273.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 174 (2008) 347-352.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

Three-Quark Systems in MA and MC projected QCD
H. Iida, N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (LAT2008) (2008) 254 (7 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]



Baryons in Holographic QCD *Cited 120+*
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Physical Review D75 (2007) 086003 (24 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Peristaltic Modes of a Single Vortex in the Abelian Higgs Model
T. Kojo, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
Physical Review D75 (2007) 105015 (16 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Scalar-Quark Systems and Chimera Hadrons in SU(3)c Lattice QCD
H. Iida, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Physical Review D75 (2007) 114503 (16 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Four- and Five-Body Scattering Calculations of Exotic Hadron Systems
E. Hiyama, H. Suganuma and M. Kamimura
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 101-106.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

Tetra-Quark Resonances in Lattice QCD *Cited 40+*
H. Suganuma, K. Tsumura, N. Ishii and F. Okiharu
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 168-172.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

Brane-induced Skyrmions -Baryons in Holographic QCD- *Cited 30+ *
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 231-236.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

Five-Quark Picture of Lambda(1405) in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, T. Doi, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 598-601.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

Bound States of (Anti-)Scalar-Quarks in SU(3)c Lattice QCD
H. Iida, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 915 (2007) 256-259.
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

「ホログラフィックQCDにおけるバリオンの研究 ~超弦理論を用いた非摂動QCDの解析~」
『原子核研究』 51巻 2号 2007年3月 <最近の研究から> 49-60.
和文解説 (PDF) 

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Inter-Quark Potentials in Baryons and Multi-Quark Systems in QCD
International Conference on ``Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics'' : Chiral 07
Osaka, Japan, 13-16 November 2007.



Charmonium Properties in Deconfinement Phase in Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 65+*
H. Iida, T. Doi, N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
Physical Review D74 (2006) 074502 (12 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Study for Confinement and Hadrons
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, F. Okiharu and T.T. Takahashi
African Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 (2006) 11-20.
[African Journal of Mathematical Physics (PDF)] [Physics database]

Multi-Quarks and Two-Baryon Interaction in Lattice QCD
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi and T. Doi
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 231-233.
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Meson-Meson and Meson-Baryon Interactions in Lattice QCD
T. Doi, T.T. Takahashi and H. Suganuma
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 246-248.
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Nuclear Force in Lattice QCD
T.T. Takahashi, T. Doi and H. Suganuma
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 249-251.
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Anisotropic Lattice QCD Studies of Penta-Quarks and Tetra-Quarks
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 492-494.
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Anisotropic Lattice QCD Study of Pentaquark Baryons in Spin 3/2 Channel
T. Doi, N. Ishii, Y. Nemoto, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (LAT2005) 064 (2006) (6 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

Lattice QCD Evidence for Exotic Tetraquark Resonance
H. Suganuma, K. Tsumura, N. Ishii and F. Okiharu
Proceedings of Science (LAT2005) 070 (2006) (6 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

J/Psi at High Temperatures in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
H. Iida, N. Ishii, T. Doi and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of Science (LAT2005) 184 (2006) (6 pages).
[Proceedings of Science (PDF)] [Physics database]

『数理科学』 2006年3月号 (サイエンス社,2006) 41-47.
『数理科学』 2006年3月号 (サイエンス社) のウェブサイト

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Tetra-Quark Resonances in Lattice QCD
International Seminar on ``New Frontiers in QCD: Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter''
Kyoto, Japan, 20 November - 8 December 2006.



First Study for the Pentaquark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 100+*
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 192001 (4 pages).
[Physical Review Letters] [Physics database]

Detailed Analysis of the Tetraquark Potential and Flip Flop in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 120+*
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Physical Review D72 (2005) 014505 (17 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Penta-Quark Baryon in Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 80+*
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D71 (2005) 034001 (11 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Spin 3/2 Pentaquarks in Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 30+*
N. Ishii, T. Doi, Y. Nemoto, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D72 (2005) 074503 (15 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking at T=0 and T > 0 in the Schwinger-Dyson Equation with Lattice QCD Data
H. Iida, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
European Physical Journal A23 (2005) 305-315.
[European Physical Journal A] [Physics database]

Role of Large Gluonic Excitation Energy for Narrow Width of Penta-Quark Baryons in QCD String Theory
H. Suganuma, F. Okiharu, T.T. Takahashi and H. Ichie
Nuclear Physics A755 (2005) 399-402.
[Nuclear Physics A] [Physics database]

Penta-Quark in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics A755 (2005) 467-470.
[Nuclear Physics A] [Physics database]

Study of Quark Confinement in Baryons with Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi, F. Okiharu and H. Ichie
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 141 (2005) 92-98.
[Nuclear Physics B PS] [Physics database]

Lattice-QCD based Schwinger-Dyson Approach for Chiral Phase Transition
H. Iida, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 141 (2005) 191-195.
[Nuclear Physics B PS] [Physics database]

Penta-Quark Anti-Decuplet in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 140 (2005) 269-271.
[Nuclear Physics B PS] [Physics database]

The Lattice QCD Simulation of the Quark-Gluon Mixed Condensate at Finite Temperature and the Phase Transition of QCD
T. Doi, N. Ishii, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 140 (2005) 559-561.
[Nuclear Physics B PS]

Lattice QCD Study for the Interquark Force in Three-Quark and Multi-Quark Systems *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi, F. Okiharu and H. Ichie
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 756 (2005) 123-132.
[American Institute of Physics] [Physics database]

Anisotropic Lattice QCD Studies of Penta-Quark Anti-Decuplet
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
Proc. of ``Pentaquark04'' (World Scientific, 2005) 316-323.
[Physics database]

The Static Penta-Quark Potential in Lattice QCD
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Proc. of ``Pentaquark04'' (World Scientific, 2005) 339-343.
[Physics database]

Narrow Width of Penta-Quark Baryons in QCD String Theory *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, F. Okiharu and T.T. Takahashi
Proc. of ``Pentaquark04'' (World Scientific, 2005) 414-421.
[Physics database]

-Invited Talk at International Conference:
Lattice QCD Study for Confinement and Hadrons
International Conference on ``High Energy and Mathematical Physics''
Cadi Ayyad Univ. Marrakech, Morocco, 4-7 April 2005.

-Invited Talks at International Conferences in 2004 (with Proceedings published in 2005):

Lattice QCD Study for the Interquark Force in Three-Quark and Multi-Quark Systems
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI''
Sardinia, Italy, 21-25 September 2004.

Narrow Width of Penta-Quark Baryons in QCD String Theory
International Workshop on ``Pentaquark04''
SPring-8, Japan, 20-23 July 2004

Study of Quark Confinement in Baryons with Lattice QCD
International Workshop on ``QCD Down Under''
Barossa Valley and Adelaide, Australia, 10-19 March 2004.

Lectures and Seminars

大学院講義 核物質基礎論
Theoretical Basis of Nuclei and Nuclear Matter : QCD Physics

強い相互作用の基礎理論である量子色力学(Quantum Chromodynamics : QCD)の非摂動的な性質である
(Quark Gluon Plasma : QGP)」などについても簡単に紹介する。

1. 量子色力学(Quantum Chromodynamics : QCD):強い相互作用の基礎理論
2. カラーの閉じ込め現象
3. カイラル対称性の自発的破れ
4. 格子QCD理論:経路積分の標準的な非摂動的計算法
5. クォーク多体系:近年の高エネルギー実験により発見されたテトラクォークやハイブリッド粒子
6. インスタントン:Euclid QCDの非自明なトポロジーを反映して現れる4次元ソリトン
7. クォーク・グルーオン・プラズマ(Quark Gluon Plasma : QGP)の物理:
8. ホログラフィックQCD:超弦理論でのDブレーンを用いた新しい非摂動的解析法

※ 過度な期待はしないように。

課題研究P3「素粒子と原子核」 (Elementary Particles and Nuclei)

「素粒子と原子核」というテーマの下に, 現代物理学における「物質概念の基礎」を系統的に学習し研究を行う。
実験に即した形で学んでいく。実験としては前期に,対称性や保存則などSubatomic Physicsにおける

P3ガイダンス: Presentation-File (PDF) 


   『素粒子・原子核物理入門』 (B. Povh, K. Rith, C. Scholz, F. Zetsche 著,柴田利明 訳)

   “Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fields: With an Introduction into Modern Relativistic Quantum Mechanics”
    (W. Greiner, S. Schramm, E. Stein 著)                   2013年度
   “Quantum Chromodynamics” (W. Greiner, S. Schramm, E. Stein 著) 2013年度
   “Gauge Theory of Weak Interactions” (W. Greiner, B. Muller 著)    2005年度,2007年度, 2010年度, 2011年度
   “Quarks, Leptons and Gauge Fields” (K. Huang 著)            2010年度
   “Quantum Electrodynamics” (W. Greiner, J. Reinhardt 著)        2008年度
   “Introductory Nuclear Physics” (S. Wong 著)                2006年度,2007年度
   “格子ゲージ理論(物理学最前線)”(岩崎洋一 著)              2011年度

自然単位系・特殊相対論(PDF)  離散対称性(PDF)  ユニタリー群とSU(2)(PDF)  アイソスピン(PDF) 
素粒子物理学と強い相互作用の年表(PDF)  標準理論における素粒子(PDF)  ギリシア文字と桁数の接頭語(PDF) 

ディラック方程式(PDF)  QED, ゲージ対称性, カイラル対称性(PDF)  アイソスピンの合成(PDF) 

優れたレジュメ: 2016年度・加須屋春樹君  2021年度・疋田純也君  2021年度・林達也君  2024年度・藤丸大輔君 


  『原子核研究』 <夏の学校特集号> 4 pages.
   和文論文 (PDF)

  Stringy Excitation and Role of UV Gluons in Lattice QCD
  H. Ueda, T. Doi, S. Fujibayashi, S. Tsutsui, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
  30th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'',Cairns, Australia
  Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 211 (7 pages).
  [Proceedings of Science (PDF)]   [Physics database]

  Lattice QCD Study for Stringy Excitation and Role of UV Gluons
  H. Ueda, T. M. Doi, S. Fujibayashi, S. Tsutsui, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
  Xth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'', Munich, Germany
  Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2013) 046 (8 pages).
  [Proceedings of Science (PDF)]   [Physics database]

課題演習A5「自然における対称性」 (Symmetry in Nature)


自然界の基本的な対称性の1つで, 量子の世界で初めて登場するものに
実験では, 加速器を用いてフェルミ粒子同士,ボース粒子同士,異種粒子の散乱をさせ,

1. 坂井典佑著『量子力学 Ⅱ』
  (2020年までは 猪木慶治・川合光 著 『量子力学』 第2巻 11章 「同種粒子」)
2. W. M. Gibson 著 “The Physics of Nuclear Reactions”
   Chapter 5 “Wave-Mechanical Theory of Scattering”
3. A. Messiah (メシア) 著 『量子力学』 (小出昭一郎・田村二郎 訳)
   第2巻 11章 「クーロン相互作用」, 14章 「同種粒子系,パウリの排他原理」
4. 論文 “Heavy-ion Reaction Mechanisms. Elastic Scattering Data”

1. 量子力学における対称性
2. 多体系の量子力学
3. 角運動量と boson (ボゾン)・fermion (フェルミオン)
4. 原子と原子核
5. 散乱の量子論
  5-1. 一般論
  5-2. Coulomb (クーロン) 散乱と Rutherford (ラザフォード) の公式
  5-3. 電子散乱と Mott (モット) の公式
  5-4. 原子核散乱と Blair (ブレア) 模型

優れたレジュメ: 2024年度後期・東堂翼君  2023年度前期・大泉幹君  2023年度前期・中本那央君  2023年度前期・市川真君 
2023年度前期・Leonardo Wimmer君 2022年度後期・田中東樹君  2022年度後期・原慧人君(1)  2022年度後期・原慧人君(2) 
2021年度後期・南出晃宏君 2021年度後期・横田悠斗君  2015年度後期・和田知己君  2015年度前期・藤井涼平君 

優れたレポート: 2021年度後期  2015年度前期  2012年度後期  2012年度前期  2011年度後期  2010年度前期 

量子力学における回転対称性と電磁相互作用 (2010年度後期のみ)

1. W. M. Gibson 著 “The Physics of Nuclear Reactions”
   Chapter 5 “Wave-Mechanical Theory of Scattering”
2. A. Messiah (メシア) 著 『量子力学』 (小出昭一郎・田村二郎 訳)
   第2巻 第3部「対称性と不変量」のうちの第13章「角運動量」
3. R.R. ロイ,B.P. 二ガム 著 『原子核物理学Ⅱ』 (西川哲治 監訳)
4. 電磁相互作用とQEDに関する適当な英語のテキスト

1. 量子力学における対称性
2. 量子力学における角運動量の代数と表現
3. 角運動量の合成
4. 電磁気学における多重極子展開
5. 原子核の電磁相互作用

優れたレポート: 2010年度後期

物理数学特論1 (Special Subjects in Mathematical Physics 1)


1章 変分法
1.1 汎関数と汎関数微分
1.2 変分問題とオイラー・ラグランジュ方程式
1.3 拘束条件がある場合 / 1.4 固有値問題と変分問題
2章 フーリエ変換と直交関数系
2.1 関数空間の内積,フーリエ級数,フーリエ変換
2.2 デルタ関数の定義(シュワルツ超関数や佐藤超関数としての定義)と諸性質
2.3 フーリエ変換に関する諸定理(リーマン・ルベーグの定理~フーリエの積分定理)と諸性質
2.4 直交関数系の基礎概念 / 2.5 完全系(完備系)
2.6 直交多項式(ロドリグの方法,ルジャンドル多項式,ラゲール多項式,エルミート多項式)
3章 特殊関数
3.1 ガンマ関数 / 3.2 リーマンのゼータ関数 / 3.3 2階線形常微分方程式
3.4 超幾何関数と合流型超幾何関数 / 3.5 ベッセル関数(円柱関数)
4章 境界値問題とグリーン関数
4.1 偏微分方程式と境界値問題(ディリクレ問題,ノイマン問題)
4.2 グリーン関数による波動や場の伝播の記述

参考図書:『物理のための応用数学』 小野寺嘉孝 著 (裳華房)
        『Mathematical Methods for Physicists』 G.B. Arfken and H.B. Weber (Academic Press)

物理数学特論2 (Special Subjects in Mathematical Physics 2)


1. リー群とリー代数
2. SU(2)代数:最も簡単な単純リー代数の例
3. SU(2)のスピノル表現と随伴表現
4. SU(2)代数の一般論
5. SU(2)代数の例(角運動量代数,アイソスピン,電弱統一理論)
6. SU(3)代数:単純複素リー代数の例
7. SU(3)代数の例(クォーク模型,量子色力学)
8. SU(N)代数(SU(5)大統一理論,SU(6)スピン・フレーバー対称性)
9. カルタン部分代数による“状態”の分類
10. ルートとウェイト
11. 単純根の性質
12. ルート空間とディンキン図
13. 基本ウェイトとSU(3)の具体的表現
14. テンソル法とヤング図
15. SO(2n),SO(2n+1),反交換代数

       H. Georgi (ジョージアイ) 著、九後汰一郎 訳 (吉岡書店)

参考資料(群論の応用例):Particle Data Group の Quark Model の項目 Quark Model (PDF) 

全学共通科目 力学続論 (Advanced Mechanics)

参考図書:『力学』 植松恒夫 著 (学術図書出版),『力学』 青山秀明 著 (学術図書出版)

1. 質点系の力学
  1-1. 質点の力学
  1-2. 質点系,外力,内力
  1-3. 質点系の運動方程式 -重心運動-
  1-4. 2質点系の相対運動
  1-5. 2質点系の相対運動の例:2つの天体の運動
  1-6. 角運動量
  1-7. 2質点系の角運動量
  1-8. N質点系
  1-9. N質点系の角運動量
  1-10. Flyby:惑星重力を利用した宇宙での加速法
  1-11. ロケットやジェットの推進
  1-12. 2質点からなるシーソー
2. 剛体の力学 -回転運動-
  2-1. 剛体の概念と剛体の運動方程式
  2-2. 角速度ベクトルと慣性モーメント
  2-3. 剛体の一般の運動
  2-4. 回転と並進のエネルギー
  2-5. 慣性モーメントの性質
  2-6. 慣性モーメントの計算 (重心のまわり)
  2-7. ジャイロスコープ現象
  2-8. 地球の歳差運動
  2-9. 回転軸のまわりの回転 (タイヤの回転)
  2-10. 剛体振子
  2-11. 転がり
  2-12. ヨーヨー,ビリヤード,ブーメラン
  2-13. 猫の宙返り
3. 非慣性系での運動
  3-1. 慣性系,非慣性系,特に 回転系での遠心力と Coriolis (コリオリ) 力
  3-2. 自転する地球上での運動方程式
  3-3. 高速回転する中性子星:パルサー
  3-4. 静止衛星
  3-5. 静止物体を回転系から見た場合
  3-6. Neil (ナイル) の放物線:  垂直運動に対するコリオリ力の効果
  3-7. Foucault (フーコー) 振子:水平運動に対するコリオリ力の効果
  3-8. ライフル銃の弾道:    高速物体に対するコリオリ力の効果
4. 剛体の回転と Euler (オイラー) の運動方程式
  4-1. 剛体の回転と剛体系
  4-2. 剛体系での回転の運動方程式:Euler の運動方程式
  4-3. 対称コマの自由回転
  4-4. 剛体の回転の安定性・不安定性
5. Topical Lecture
  対称性の自発的破れ -隠れた対称性- (2008年度)
  力学から解析力学、量子力学へ     (2007年度)
  特殊相対論序論              (2006年度など)

2011年度 冬休みレポート問題   2011年度 冬休みレポート問題 【略解】  剛体の回転とオイラーの運動方程式
2010年度 冬休みレポート問題   2010年度 冬休みレポート問題 【略解】
2009年度 冬休みレポート問題   2009年度 冬休みレポート問題 【略解】
レポート問題:レポート問題:円柱の慣性モーメント・テンソルの導出 【略解】
レポート問題:自転と公転の運動エネルギー 【略解】
レポート問題:2質点系からなるシーソー(実は非線形剛体振子) 【略解・計算法・計算結果】

最近の集中講義 (Special Lectures)

1. 千葉大学 大学院理学研究科 物理学コース
 素粒子論研究室 基礎物理学特別講義IV
 2013年 2月7日(木)・8日(金)

2. 広島大学 大学院理学研究科 物理科学専攻
 2011年 7月6日(水)~8日(金)

3. 名古屋大学 大学院理学研究科 多元数理科学研究科
 2009年 1月14日(水)~16日(金)

Curriculum Vitae

Present Status

Associate Professor
Department of Physics,
Graduate School of Science,
Kyoto University
Kitashirakawa-Oiwakecho, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8502, Japan
Tel: +81-75-753-3830
Fax: +81-75-753-3886
E-mail: suganuma @scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Research Interest

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), Color Confinement, Chiral Symmetry Breaking
Strong Interaction, Nonperturbative Dynamics, Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP)
Yang-Mills Theory, Lattice Gauge Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Superstring Theory
Elementary Particle Physics, Quark Hadron Physics, Nuclear Physics

Research Keywords

QCD, Confinement, Chiral Symmetry, Quarks and Gluons, Hadrons
Lattice QCD, Schwingr-Dyson Formalism, Dual Higgs Theory
QGP, QCD Phase Diagram, High-Temperature QCD, High-Density QCD
Strong Electromagnetic Field, Pair Creation, Schwinger Mechanism
QCD Potential, Exotic Hadrons, Glueballs, Multi-Quarks, Hybrid Hadrons, H-dibaryon
Topology and Anomaly, Duality, Monopole, Vortex, Instanton, Chiral Soliton
Holographic QCD, Large-Nc QCD, D-brane, AdS/CFT, Gauge/Gravity

Education and Academic Positions

2005 May -
Associate Professor at Department of Physics,
Graduate School of Science,
Kyoto University
2000 - 2005
Associate Professor at Interactive Research Center of Science (IRCS),
Graduate School of Science and Engineering,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
1995 - 2000
Assistant Professor at Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP),
Osaka University
1992 - 1995
Special Researcher, Basic Science Program
at The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN)
1992 March
Ph.D. of Science, Kyoto University
Ph.D. Thesis: ``Chiral Symmetry and Quark-Antiquark Pair Creation in Color Electromagnetic Fields''
Ph.D. advisors: Profs. Ryozo Tamagaki, Toshihide Maskawa, Akira Masaike
1987 - 1992
Graduate School of Science, Division of Physics
Kyoto University
1983 - 1987
Faculty of Science
Kyoto University


Awards and Research Budgets

日本物理学会第4回論文賞, 1999年3月30日
Outstanding Paper Award of the Physical Society of Japan (4th Award, 1999)

``Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory with QCD-Monopoles for Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking''
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Progress of Theoretical Physics 94 (1995) 373-384.

Website of the Physical Societry of Japan (Japanese)
Website of the Physical Societry of Japan (English)

 この論文では南部陽一郎博士ら(1974)により提案され, 1990年代になって格子QCDの研究に
おいて, 注目を集めるようになった, 「モノポール凝縮によるカラーの閉じこめ」 という描像に着目し,
この機構を内包するQCDの赤外有効理論である Dual Ginzburg-Landau (DGL) 理論に基づいて,
クォークの質量演算子に対する Schwinger-Dyson 方程式を解くことにより, 「カイラル対称性の自発的破れ」
を研究したものである. その結果 モノポール凝縮は, カラー閉じ込めのみならず,カイラル対称性の
自発的破れに対しても極めて大きく寄与すること, したがって, これらの二つの非摂動的現象が,
相互にモノポール凝縮を通じて深く関わっていることを示した. また同時に, 閉じ込め力, クォークの
低エネルギーでの有効質量, クォーク凝縮, パイオンの崩壊常数などの, QCD真空やハドロンに関する
 この論文で, 「閉じ込め効果」 と 「カイラル対称性の自発的破れ」 を関係づけたことは重要で, その後の
この方面の理論的研究に大きな影響を及ぼしており, 論文賞としてふさわしいものであると認めた.


研究代表者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:429万円

研究代表者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:468万円

研究代表者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:494万円

研究代表者:飯嶋 徹  研究経費:約10億円

研究代表者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:455万円

研究課題名:量子色力学に基くクォーク・グルーオンの非摂動的性質 及び ハドロンの諸性質の解明
研究代表者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:340万円

国際会議開催期間:2003年 7月21日~7月24日(4日間)
Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics
(量子色力学におけるカラーの閉じ込めとハドロン, 略称:Confinement 2003)
研究代表者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:98万円

研究代表者:岡 真  研究分担者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:1350万円

研究代表者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:360万円

研究課題名: クォークの閉じ込めにおけるQCDモノポールとインスタントン
研究代表者:菅沼 秀夫  研究経費:210万円

研究代表者:土岐 博  研究分担者:菅沼 秀夫 他6名  研究経費:880万円

Organized Conferences and Edited Proceedings

Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics (Confinement 2003)

H. Suganuma, N. Ishii, M. Oka, H. Enyo, T. Hatsuda, T. Kunihiro, K. Yazaki
Proceedings of International Conference on
``Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics (Confinement 2003)''
RIKEN, Japan, 21-24 July 2003
World Scientific (2004) 552 pages.
World Scientific website
Conference website

Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement (Confinement 2000)

H. Suganuma, M. Fukushima and H. Toki
Proceedings of International Symposium on
``Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement (Confinement 2000)''
Osaka, Japan, 7-10 March 2000
World Scientific (2001) 424 pages.
World Scientific website

Color Confinement and Hadrons (Confinement '95)

H. Toki, Y. Mizuno, H. Suganuma, T. Suzuki and O. Miyamura
Proceedings of International Workshop on
``Color Confinement and Hadrons (Confinement '95)''
Osaka, Japan, 22-24 March 1995
World Scientific (1995) 340 pages.

New Frontiers in QCD - Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-

T. Kunihiro, H. En'yo, M. Harada, T. Hatsuda, A. Hosaka, D. Jido, Y. Kanada-En'yo, S.-H. Lee, A. Nakamura, T. Nakano, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Proceedings of the Yukawa International Seminar 2006 on
``New Frontiers in QCD -Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter-''
YITP, Kyoto, Japan, 20 November - 8 December 2006
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement No.168 (2007) 642 pages.
Progress of Theoretical Physics website

Review Articles

1. Quantum Chromodynamics, Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking:
a bridge between elementary particle physics and nuclear physics
H. Suganuma
``Handbook of Nuclear Physics", (Springer, 2023) 22-1 (48 pages), ISBN: 978-981-19-6344-5.

[Springer Link]

2. 「QCDとハドロン物理学のフロンティア-ミクロな世界での多様性の形成-」
『数理科学』 2006年3月号 (サイエンス社,2006) 41-47.

『数理科学』 2006年3月号 (サイエンス社) のウェブサイト

3. Quark Nuclear Physics
H. Toki and H. Suganuma
Textbook entitled ``Nucleon-Hadron Many Body System
-From Hadron-Meson to Quark-Lepton Nuclear Physics-''
(Oxford Science Publication, 1999) 292-312.

Oxford University Press website

以下は 公開可能な 和文解説記事

4. 「格子QCDを用いたクォーク・ハドロン物理学の研究」
大阪大学 サイバーメディアセンター 『計算機利用ニュース』 Vol. 2 No.1 2006.5 第3号 7-14.

和文解説 (8 pages) (PDF) 

5. 「ホログラフィックQCDにおけるバリオンの研究 ~超弦理論を用いた非摂動QCDの解析~」
『原子核研究』 51巻 2号 2007年3月 <最近の研究から> 49-60.

和文解説 (12 pages) (PDF) 


1. 日本物理学会 2013年 年次大会
素粒子論領域・理論核物理領域 合同シンポジウム
2013年3月28日, 於 広島大学


講演ファイル (PDF) 

2. 日本物理学会 2010年 秋季大会
理論核物理領域・素粒子論領域 合同シンポジウム
2010年9月12日, 於 九州工業大学


講演ファイル (PDF) 

3. 日本物理学会 2009年 年次大会
理論核物理領域・実験核物理領域・素粒子実験領域・素粒子論領域 合同シンポジウム
「Multiquark hadrons probed by various flavors - Crossover of B-factory, LEPS and J-PARC」
2009年3月30日, 於 立教大学

「格子QCDによるクォーク多体系の物理 (Multi-Quark Physics with Lattice QCD)」

講演ファイル (PDF) 

Special Lectures at Kyoto U. & Research Project “New Hadrons”

京都大学大学院 “QCD Special Lecture & Seminar”

講師:隅野 行成 氏 (東北大学理学研究科)
2013.7/8-10 京都大学理学研究科


“Understanding Heavy Quark-AntiQuark System by Perturbative QCD”
講師:隅野 行成 氏

要旨: 1998年以前は、(ボトモニウム・チャーモニウム等の)
 Seminar file (pptx)

講師:隅野 行成 氏

sector decomposition法がある。その中で特異点解消定理が使われる。
  Seminar file (PDF)


講師:梶野 敏貴 氏 (国立天文台理論研究部)
2010.10/13-15 京都大学理学研究科

(1)宇宙・銀河の化学進化:元素組成の時間発展にみる宇宙の進化  Seminar file (PDF)
(2)ビッグバン元素合成と暗黒物質:SUSY粒子モデル  Seminar file (PDF)
(3)ニュートリノ質量と宇宙の構造形成、宇宙背景放射ゆらぎ  Seminar file (PDF)
(4)ニュートリノ振動の物理  Seminar file (PDF)
(5)ニュートリノ振動と超新星元素合成  Seminar file (PDF)
(6)超新星爆発での重元素(Rプロセス元素)合成と銀河年齢  Seminar file (PDF)  SN simulation (mpeg)
(7)ガンマ線バーストでの元素合成  Seminar file (PDF)
ニュートリノ温度および振動パラメータの決定方法の提案」  Seminar file (PDF)

Special Lectures and Seminars at Researc Project “New Hadron”

以下は、新学術領域研究「新ハドロン」(“New Hadrons”):
(Elucidation of New Hadrons with a Variety of Flavors)


1. 講師:近藤 慶一 氏(千葉大理)「クォークの閉じ込め」  講義 file (PDF) Seminar file (PDF)
  2009.12/2-4 京都大学理学研究科
  ※ 講義は黒板の板書とパワーポイントの双方により行われた。

2. 講師:中村 真 氏(京大理)「QCDへの応用を視野に入れたゲージ・重力対応の基礎」
  2010.6/3,10,24 京都大学理学研究科
  ※ 講義は黒板の板書で行われた。


2010.7/3 京都大学理学研究科

講師:杉本 茂樹 氏 (数物連携宇宙研究機構)
タイトル:「Mesons as Open Strings in a Holographic Dual of QCD」  Seminar file (PDF)

講師:中村 真 氏 (京大理)
      ─ 励起子絶縁体との類似点に注目して ─」  Seminar file (PDF)

第15回 Wine and Cheese Seminar

2014.10/31 京都大学理学研究科

講師:杉本 茂樹 教授(京大基礎物理学研究所・素粒子論)

アブストラクト: 1990代の半ばごろ、弦理論は第二次ストリング革命と
講演ファイル (PDF) 

Paper on History

Correlation between ``Tang-Tibet Wars'' and independence of
Eastern Eurasia nations in the latter half of the seventh century:
``Unification of Korean peninsula by Silla'', ``Revival of Turk'',
``Revolt of Khitan'' and ``Founding of Palhae''
『史窓』,第66号 (京都女子大学史学会,2009年) 1-22頁.

論文 (PDF)  年表 (PDF)  菅沼愛語 website

Original Refereed Papers in Scientific Journals (No.1-No.105)

1. Dimensional Reduction Gauge and Effective Dimensional Reduction in Four-dimensional Yang-Mills Theory
K. Tohme and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D110 (2024) 034505 (16 pages).

2. Numerical Analysis of a Baryon and its Dilatation Modes in Holographic QCD
K. Hori, H. Suganuma and H. Kanda
Physical Review D109 (2024) 014030 (22 pages).

3. Thermodynamic Potential of the Polyakov Loop in SU(3) Quenched Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, H. Ohata and M. Kitazawa
International Journal of Modern Physics A (2024) (11 pages).

4. Remnants of Quark Model in Lattice QCD Simulation in the Coulomb Gauge
H. Ohata and H. Suganuma
European Physical Journal A60 (2024) 97 (13 pages).

5. Clear Correlation between Monopoles and the Chiral Condensate in SU(3) QCD
H. Ohata and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D103 (2021) 054505 (8 pages).

6. Local Correlation among the Chiral Condensate, Monopoles, and Color Magnetic Fields in Abelian Projected QCD
H. Suganuma and H. Ohata
Universe 2021, 7 (2021) 318 (17 pages).

7. Gluonic Excitation Energies and Abelian Dominance in SU(3) QCD
H. Ohata and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D101 (2020) (7 pages).

8. Topological Objects in Holographic QCD
H. Suganuma and K. Hori
Physica Scripta 95 (2020) 074014 (9 pages).

9. Relating Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi, K. Redlich and C. Sasaki
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44 (2017) 124001 (19 pages).

10. Matter-Antimatter Coexistence Method for Finite Density QCD toward a Solution of the Sign Problem
H. Suganuma
Journal of Modern Physics 8 (Computational Physics and its Application) (2017) 2034-2041.

11. Analytical Formulae of the Polyakov and Wilson Loops with Dirac Eigenmodes in Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Oxford U. Press) 2016 (2016) 013B06 (15 pages).

12. Tetraquark and Pentaquark Systems in Lattice QCD *Cited 30+ *
F. Okiharu, T. Doi, H. Ichie, H. Iida, N. Ishii, M. Oka, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Journal of Modern Physics 7 (Special Issue on QCD) (2016) 774-789.

13. Non-perturbative Analysis of Various Mass Generation by Gluonic Dressing Effect with the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism in QCD
S. Imai and H. Suganuma
Journal of Modern Physics 7 (Special Issue on QCD) (2016) 790-805.

14. Polyakov Loop Fluctuations in the Dirac Eigenmode Expansion
T. M. Doi, K. Redlich, C. Sasaki and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D92 (2015) 094004 (9 pages).

15. Three-Quark Potential and Abelian Dominance of Confinement in SU(3) QCD
N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D92 (2015) 034511 (7 pages).

16. Perfect Abelian Dominance of Quark Confinement in SU(3) QCD *Cited 35+ *
N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D90 - Rapid Communications (2014) 111501(R) (6 pages).

17. Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Temporally Odd-Number Lattice QCD
T. M. Doi, H. Suganuma and T. Iritani
Physical Review D90 (2014) 094505 (15 pages).

18. Lattice QCD Analysis of the Polyakov Loop in terms of Dirac Eigenmodes
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2014 (2014) 033B03 (20 pages).

19. Quark Scalar, Axial and Pseudoscalar Charges in the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism
N. Yamanaka, S. Imai, T. M. Doi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D89 (2014) 074017 (28 pages).

20. Gluon Propagators in Maximally Abelian Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 35+ *
S. Gongyo and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D87 (2013) 074506 (12 pages).

21. Quark Tensor Charge and Electric Dipole Moment within the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism *Cited 40+ *
N. Yamanaka, T.M. Doi, S. Imai and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D88 (2013) 074036 (16 pages).

22. Gauge-Invariant Formalism with a Dirac-mode Expansion for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking *Cited 35+ *
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D86 (2012) 034510 (11 pages).

23. Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance in Maximally Abelian Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 50+ *
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D86 (2012) 094018 (5 pages).

24. Lattice QCD Analysis for Faddeev-Popov Eigenmodes in terms of Gluonic Momentum Components in the Coulomb Gauge
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D86 (2012) 074034 (9 pages).

25. Instantaneous Interquark Potential in Generalized Landau Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD:
A Linkage between the Landau and the Coulomb Gauges
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D83 (2011) 054502 (14 pages).

26. Relevant Gluonic Energy Scale of Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking from Lattice QCD
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D81 (2010) 014506 (6 pages).

27. Gluon-Propagator Functional Form in the Landau Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD:
Yukawa-type Gluon Propagator and Anomalous Gluon Spectral Function *Cited 55+ *
T. Iritani, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Physical Review D80 (2009) 114505 (20 pages).

28. Relevant Energy Scale of Color Confinement from Lattice QCD *Cited 30+*
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D79 (2009) 054504 (11 pages).

29. Brane-induced Skyrmion on S3: Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD *Cited 30+ *
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Physical Review D79 (2009) 026005 (25 pages).

30. Skyrmions with Holography and Hidden Local Symmetry
K. Nawa, A. Hosaka and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D79 (2009) 126005 (7 pages).

31. Lattice Analysis for the Energy Scale of QCD Phenomena *Cited 30+ *
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 241601 (4 pages).

32. Lattice QCD Study of the Heavy-Heavy-Light Quark Potential
A. Yamamoto, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Physical Review D78 (2008) 014513 (10 pages).

33. Quark Motional Effects on the Interquark Potential in Baryons
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D77 (2008) 014036 (7 pages).

34. Heavy-Heavy-Light Quark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD
A. Yamamoto, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Physics Letters B664 (2008) 129-132.

35. Inter-Quark Potentials in Baryons and Multi-Quark Systems in QCD
H. Suganuma, A. Yamamoto, N. Sakumichi, T.T. Takahashi, H. Iida and F. Okiharu
Modern Physics Letters A23 (2008) 2331-2339.

36. Properties of Scalar-Quark Systems in SU(3)c Lattice QCD
H. Iida, T.T. Takahashi and H. Suganuma
Modern Physics Letters A23 (2008) 2344-2347.

37. Baryons with Holography
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Modern Physics Letters A23 (2008) 2364-2367.

38. Survival of Charmonia above Tc in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
H. Iida, T. Doi, N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 174 (2008) 238-241.

39. Heavy-Heavy-Light Quark Potential in Two Approaches
A. Yamamoto, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 174 (2008) 270-273.

40. Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 174 (2008) 347-352.

41. Baryons in Holographic QCD *Cited 120+ *
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Physical Review D75 (2007) 086003 (24 pages).

42. Peristaltic Modes of a Single Vortex in the Abelian Higgs Model
T. Kojo, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
Physical Review D75 (2007) 105015 (16 pages).

43. Scalar-Quark Systems and Chimera Hadrons in SU(3)c Lattice QCD
H. Iida, H. Suganuma and T. Takahashi
Physical Review D75 (2007) 114503 (16 pages).

44. Four- and Five-Body Scattering Calculations of Exotic Hadron Systems
E. Hiyama, H. Suganuma and M. Kamimura
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 101-106.

45. Tetra-Quark Resonances in Lattice QCD *Cited 40+ *
H. Suganuma, K. Tsumura, N. Ishii and F. Okiharu
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 168-172.

46. Brane-induced Skyrmions -Baryons in Holographic QCD- *Cited 30+ *
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 231-236.

47. Five-Quark Picture of Lambda(1405) in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, T. Doi, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 598-601.

48. Charmonium Properties in Deconfinement Phase in Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 65+ *
H. Iida, T. Doi, N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
Physical Review D74 (2006) 074502 (12 pages).

49. Lattice QCD Study for Confinement and Hadrons
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, F. Okiharu and T.T. Takahashi
African Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 (2006) 11-20.

50. First Study for the Pentaquark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 100+ *
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 192001 (4 pages).

51. Detailed Analysis of the Tetraquark Potential and Flip Flop in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 110+ *
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Physical Review D72 (2005) 014505 (17 pages).

52. Penta-Quark Baryon in Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 80+ *
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D71 (2005) 034001 (11 pages).

53. Spin 3/2 Pentaquarks in Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 30+ *
N. Ishii, T. Doi, Y. Nemoto, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D72 (2005) 074503 (15 pages).

54. Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking at T=0 and T > 0 in the Schwinger-Dyson Equation with Lattice QCD Data
H. Iida, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
European Physical Journal A23 (2005) 305-315.

55. Role of Large Gluonic Excitation Energy for Narrow Width of Penta-Quark Baryons in QCD String Theory
H. Suganuma, F. Okiharu, T.T. Takahashi and H. Ichie
Nuclear Physics A755 (2005) 399-402.

56. Penta-Quark in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics A755 (2005) 467-470.

57. Detailed Analysis of the Gluonic Excitation in the Three-Quark System in Lattice QCD *Cited 50+ *
T.T. Takahashi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D70 (2004) 074506 (13 pages).

58. Thermal Effects on Quark-Gluon Mixed Condensate from Lattice QCD
T. Doi, N. Ishii, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D70 (2004) 034510 (5 pages).

59. Gluonic Excitation of the Three-Quark System in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 50+ *
T.T. Takahashi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review Letters 90 (2003) 182001 (4 pages).

60. Negative-Parity Baryon Spectrum in Quenched Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 70+ *
Y. Nemoto, N. Nakajima, H. Matsufuru and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D68 (2003) 094505 (14 pages).

61. Quark-Gluon Mixed Condensate in SU(3)c Quenched Lattice QCD
T. Doi, N. Ishii, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D67 (2003) 054504 (7 pages).

62. A Remark on the Large Difference between the Glueball Mass and Tc in Quenched QCD
N. Ishii and H. Suganuma
European Physical Journal A17 (2003) 77-82.

63. Negative-Parity Baryons in Quenched Anisotropic Lattice QCD
Y. Nemoto, N. Nakajima, H. Matsufuru and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics A721 (2003) 879-882.

64. Gluonic Higgs Scalar, Abelianization and Monopoles in QCD - Similarity and Difference between QCD in the MA Gauge and the NAH Theory
H. Suganuma and H. Ichie
Nuclear Physics A721 (2003) 887-890.

65. Behind the Success of the Quark Model
T.T. Takahashi, H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, H. Matsufuru and Y. Nemoto
Nuclear Physics A721 (2003) 926-929.

66. Quark-Gluon Mixed Condensate from Lattice QCD
T. Doi, N. Ishii, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics A721 (2003) 934-937.

67. The Determination of the Quark-Gluon Mixed Condensate from Lattice QCD
T. Doi, N. Ishii, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 151 (2003) 161-165.

68. Thermal Width Broadening of the 0++ Glueball Spectrum near Tc
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 151 (2003) 166-170.

69. Detailed Analysis of the Three Quark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 265+ *
T.T. Takahashi, H. Suganuma, Y. Nemoto and H. Matsufuru
Physical Review D65 (2002) 114509 (19 pages).

70. Glueball Properties at Finite Temperature in SU(3) Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 80+ *
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
Physical Review D66 (2002) 094506 (22 pages).

71. Scalar Glueball Mass Reduction at Finite Temperature in SU(3) Anisotropic Lattice QCD *Cited 75+ *
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
Physical Review D66 (2002) 014507 (5 pages).

72. Instanton and Monopole in External Chromomagnetic Fields
M. Fukushima, H. Suganuma and S. Chiba
Progress of Theoretical Physics 107 (2002) 1147-1161.

73. Three-Quark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Cited 235+ *
T.T. Takahashi, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review Letters 86 (2001) 18-21.

74. The Mechanism of Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Quark Nuclear Physics
H. Toki, H. Suganuma and M. Fukushima
Nuclear Physics A680 (2001) 10-16.

75. Three-Quark Ground-State Potential in the SU(3) Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and T.T. Takahashi
Nuclear Physics A680 (2001) 159-162.

76. Monopoles and Gluon Fields in QCD in the Maximally Abelian Gauge *Cited 40+ *
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics B574 (2000) 70-106.

77. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
H. Toki and H. Suganuma
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 45 (2000) 397-472.

78. Quark Confinement Physics from Quantum Chromodynamics
H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya, H. Ichie and A. Tanaka
Nuclear Physics A670 (2000) 40-47.

79. Quark Confinement Physics in Quantum Chromodynamics
Y. Koma, H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya, M. Fukushima and H. Toki
Nuclear Physics A663&664 (2000) 1027-1030.

80. Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance in the Maximally Abelian Gauge in Lattice QCD *Cited 175+ *
K. Amemiya and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D60 (1999) 114509 (9 pages).

81. Abelian Dominance for Confinement and Random Phase Property of Off-diagonal Gluons in the Maximally Abelian Gauge *Cited 40+ *
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics B548 (1999) 365-382.

82. Maximally Abelian Gauge and Gauge Invariance Condition
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D60 (1999) 077501 (4 pages).

83. Flux-Tube Ring and Glueball Properties in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory *Cited 30+ *
Y. Koma, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physical Review D60 (1999) 074024 (9 pages).

84. Monopole Clustering and Color Confinement in the Multi-Instanton System
M. Fukushima, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physical Review D60 (1999) 094504 (10 pages).

85. Correlation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in the Dual Higgs Theory
S. Umisedo, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physical Review D57 (1998) 1605-1614.

86. Surface Tension in the QCD Phase Transition in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Monden, H. Ichie, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physical Review C57 (1998) 2564-2575.

87. H-dibaryon Matter in the Skyrme Model on a Hypersphere
T. Sakai and H. Suganuma
Physics Letters B430 (1998) 168-173.

88. Instantons and Monopoles in the Nonperturbative QCD *Cited 40+ *
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, A. Tanaka and K. Amemiya
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 131 (1998) 559-571.

89. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory and Quark Nuclear Physics
H. Toki, H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, H. Monden, S. Umisedo, A. Tanaka, M. Fukushima, F. Araki and S. Sasaki
Nuclear Physics A629 (1998) 63-71.

90. Monopole Current Dynamics and Color Confinement
H. Ichie, H. Suganuma and A. Tanaka
Nuclear Physics A629 (1998) 82-88.

91. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory and Quark Nuclear Physics
H. Toki, H. Suganuma, M. Fukushima, K. Amemiya, A. Tanaka, S. Umisedo and T. Sakai
Acta Physica Polonica B29 (1998) 2377-2388.

92. Clustering of Monopoles in the Instanton Vacuum *Cited 55+ *
M. Fukushima, S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma, A. Tanaka, H. Toki and D. Diakonov
Physics Letters B399 (1997) 141-147.

93. Chiral Symmetry Breaking in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Toki, S. Sasaki, H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
Australian Journal of Physics 50 (1997) 199-204.

94. Monopole Dominance for Nonperturbative QCD
H. Suganuma, S. Umisedo, S. Sasaki, H. Toki and O. Miyamura
Australian Journal of Physics 50 (1997) 233-243.

95. Confinement Mechanism and Chiral Phase Transition in the Non-Perturbative Vacuum of QCD
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 129 (1997) 227-230.

96. Multi-Flux-Tube System in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory *Cited 30+ *
H. Ichie, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physical Review D54 (1996) 3382-3388.

97. Role of Dual Higgs Mechanism in Chiral Phase Transition at Finite Temperature
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physics Letters B387 (1996) 145-150.

98. Color Confinement, Quark Pair Creation and Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory *Cited 235+ *
H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki and H. Toki
Nuclear Physics B435 (1995) 207-240.

99. QCD Phase Transition at Finite Temperature in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory *Cited 45+ *
H. Ichie, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physical Review D52 (1995) 2944-2950.

100. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory with QCD-Monopoles for Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking *Cited 60+ *
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Progress of Theoretical Physics 94 (1995) 373-384.

101. Dual Higgs Mechanism for Quarks in Hadrons *Cited 30+ *
H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki, H. Toki and H. Ichie
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 120 (1995) 57-73.

102. Magnetic Monopole Condensation for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
H. Toki, H. Suganuma and S. Sasaki
Nuclear Physics A577 (1994) 353-360.

103. Chiral Symmetry and Quark-Antiquark Pair Creation in a Strong Color-Electromagnetic Field *Cited 50+ *
H. Suganuma and T. Tatsumi
Progress of Theoretical Physics 90 (1993) 379-404.

104. Manifestation of Chiral Symmetry and the Effective Potential in a Strong Color-Electromagnetic Field
H. Suganuma and T. Tatsumi
Physics Letters B269 (1991) 371-376.

105. On the Behavior of Symmetry and Phase Transitions in a Strong Electromagnetic Field *Cited 150+ *
H. Suganuma and T. Tatsumi
Annals of Physics 208 (1991) 470-508.

Refereed Conference Papers in Scientific Journals (No.106-No.184)

106. Local Polyakov-Loop Fluctuation and Center Domains in Quark-Gluon Plasma with Many Colors
Y. Nakajima and H. Suganuma
40th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2023)
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 31 July - 4 August, 2023
Proceedings of Science (LATTICE2023) (2023) 204 (7 pages).

107. Study of Hadron Masses with Faddeev-Popov Eigenmode Projection in the Coulomb Gauge
H. Ohata and H. Suganuma
XVth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement 2022)
Stavanger, Norway, 1-6 August 2022
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 274 (2022) 02007 (8 pages).

108. Non-abelian Higgs Theory in a Strong Magnetic Field and Confinement
H. Suganuma
XIIIth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement 2018)
Maynooth, Ireland, 31 July - 6 August 2018
Proceedings of Science (Confinement 2018) (2019) 064 (8 pages).

109. Monopole Dominance of Confinement in SU(3) Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma and N. Sakumichi
XIIIth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement 2018)
Maynooth, Ireland, 31 July - 6 August 2018
Proceedings of Science (Confinement 2018) (2019) 267 (8 pages).

110. Some Relations for Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi, K. Redlich and C. Sasaki
XIIth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement 2016)
Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 August - 4 September 2016
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 137 (2017) 04003 (11 pages).

111. Holographic QCD for H-dibaryon (uuddss)
H. Suganuma and K. Matsumoto
XIIth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement 2016)
Thessaloniki, Greece, 28 August - 4 September 2016
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 137 (2017) 13018 (6 pages).

112. Polyakov Loop Fluctuations in terms of Dirac Eigenmodes
T. M. Doi, K. Redlich, C. Sasaki and H. Suganuma
International Conference on ``Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement 2016 (CPOD2016)''
Wroclaw, Poland, 30 May - 4 June 2016
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 10 (2017) 543-547.

113. Interplay between Deconfinement and Chiral Properties *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi, K. Redlich and C. Sasaki
International Conference on ``Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement 2016 (CPOD2016)''
Wroclaw, Poland, 30 May - 4 June 2016
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 10 (2017) 741-745.

114. Matter-Antimatter Coexistence Method for Finite Density QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma
International Workshop on ``Excited QCD 2017 (eQCD2017)''
Sintra, Portugal, 7-13 May 2017
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 10 (2017) 989-994.

115. 1+1 Large Nc QCD and its Holographic Dual
- Soliton Picture of Baryons in Single-Flavor World
H. Suganuma, Y. Nakagawa and K. Matsumoto
The 14th International Conference on ``Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon'' (MENU2016)
Kyoto, 25-30 July 2016
JPS Conference Proceedings 13 (2017) 020013 (5 pages).

116. A Study of the H-dibaryon in Holographic QCD
K. Matsumoto, Y. Nakagawa and H. Suganuma
The 14th International Conference on ``Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon'' (MENU2016)
Kyoto, 25-30 July 2016
JPS Conference Proceedings 13 (2017) 020014 (5 pages).

117. Perfect Abelian Dominance of Confinement in Quark-Antiquark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma and N. Sakumichi
XIth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement 2014)
St. Petersburg, Russia, 7-13 September 2014,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1701 (2016) 020016 (8 pages).

118. Lattice QCD Analysis for Relation between Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
T. M. Doi, H. Suganuma and T. Iritani
XIth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement 2014)
St. Petersburg, Russia, 7-13 September 2014,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1701 (2016) 030004 (12 pages).

119. Analytical Formulae linking Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
T. M. Doi, K. Redlich, C. Sasaki and H. Suganuma
4th International Conference on ``New Frontiers in Physics'' (ICNFP2015)
Crete, Greece, 23-30 August 2015,
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 126 (2016) 04016 (7 pages).

120. Perfect Abelian Dominance of Confinement in Mesons and Baryons in SU(3) Lattice QCD
N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
4th International Conference on ``New Frontiers in Physics'' (ICNFP2015)
Crete, Greece, 23-30 August 2015,
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 126 (2016) 04042 (8 pages).

121. Dirac Spectrum Representation of Polyakov Loop Fluctuations in Lattice QCD
-Analytical Formulae linking Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking-
T. M. Doi, K. Redlich, C. Sasaki and H. Suganuma
33rd International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2015)
Kobe, Japan, 14-18 July, 2015
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2015) (2016) 315 (7 pages).

122. The Three-Quark Potential and Perfect Abelian Dominance in SU(3) lattice QCD
H. Suganuma and N. Sakumichi
33rd International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2015)
Kobe, Japan, 14-18 July, 2015
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2015) (2016) 323 (7 pages).

123. Analytical Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
in terms of Polyakov Loop and Dirac Eigenmodes in Odd-Number Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
QCD-TNT-III International Workshop on ``From Quarks and Gluons to Hadronic Matter: A bridge too far?'' (QCD-TNT-III)
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2-6 September 2013
Proceedings of Science (QCD-TNT-III) (2014) 042 (12 pages).

124. Analytical Relation between Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
in Odd-Number Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
International Conference on ``New Frontiers in Physics'' (ICNFP2013)
Crete, Greece, 28 August - 5 September
European Physical Journal Web of Conferences 71 (2014) 00129 (8 pages).

125. Analytical Relation between Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
XV International Conference on ``Hadron Spectroscopy'' (Hadron 2013)
Nara, Japan, 4-8 November 2013
Proceedings of Science (Hadron 2013) (2013) 121 (5 pages).

126. Lattice QCD Study for Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
on Temporally Odd-Number Lattice
T. M. Doi, H. Suganuma and T. Iritani
XV International Conference on ``Hadron Spectroscopy'' (Hadron 2013)
Nara, Japan, 4-8 November 2013
Proceedings of Science (Hadron 2013) (2013) 122 (5 pages).

127. Quark Tensor and Axial Charges within the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism
N. Yamanaka, T. M. Doi, S. Imai and H. Suganuma
XV International Conference on ``Hadron Spectroscopy'' (Hadron 2013)
Nara, Japan, 4-8 November 2013
Proceedings of Science (Hadron 2013) (2013) 123 (5 pages).

128. A Non-perturbative Effect of Gluons for Scalar Diquark in the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism
S. Imai and H. Suganuma
XV International Conference on ``Hadron Spectroscopy'' (Hadron 2013)
Nara, Japan, 4-8 November 2013
Proceedings of Science (Hadron 2013) (2013) 148 (5 pages).

129. Analytical Relation between the Polyakov Loop and Dirac Eigenvalues
in Temporally Odd-Number Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, T. M. Doi and T. Iritani
31st International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2013)
Meintz, Germany, 29 July - 3 August, 2013
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2013) (2013) 374 (7 pages).

130. A Direct Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
in Temporally Odd-Number Lattice QCD
T. M. Doi, H. Suganuma and T. Iritani
31st International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2013)
Meintz, Germany, 29 July - 3 August, 2013
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2013) (2013) 375 (7 pages).

131. Lattice QCD Study for Stringy Excitation and Role of UV Gluons
H. Ueda, T. M. Doi, S. Fujibayashi, S. Tsutsui, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Xth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement X)
Munich, Germany, 8-12 October 2012
Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2012) 046 (8 pages).

132. SU(3) Lattice QCD Study of the Gluon Propagator in Maximally Abelian Gauge:
Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Xth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement X)
Munich, Germany, 8-12 October 2012
Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2012) 050 (8 pages).

133. Polyakov Loop Analysis with Dirac-mode Expansion
T. Iritani, S. Gongyo and H. Suganuma
Xth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement X)
Munich, Germany, 8-12 October 2012
Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2012) 053 (8 pages).

134. Lattice QCD Study of Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking with Dirac-mode Expansion
H. Suganuma, S. Gongyo and T. Iritani
Xth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum'' (Confinement X)
Munich, Germany, 8-12 October 2012
Proceedings of Science (Confinement X) (2012) 081 (8 pages).

135. Stringy Excitation and Role of UV Gluons in Lattice QCD
H. Ueda, T. Doi, S. Fujibayashi, S. Tsutsui, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
30th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2012)
Cairns, Australia, 24-29 June 2012
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 211 (7 pages).

136. Analytical Derivation of Gauge Fields from Link Variables in SU(3) Lattice QCD
and its Application in Maximally Abelian Gauge
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
30th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2012)
Cairns, Australia, 24-29 June 2012
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 212 (7 pages).

137. Dirac-Mode Expansion for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
H. Suganuma, S. Gongyo and T. Iritani
30th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2012)
Cairns, Australia, 24-29 June 2012
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 217 (7 pages).

138. Dirac-Mode Expansion Analysis for Polyakov Loop
T. Iritani, S. Gongyo and H. Suganuma
30th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2012)
Cairns, Australia, 24-29 June 2012
Proceedings of Science (Lattice 2012) (2012) 218 (7 pages).

139. Lattice QCD Study for Confinement in Hadrons *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. Iritani, F. Okiharu, T.T. Takahashi and A. Yamamoto
International Conference on ``Structure of Baryons'' (Baryons'10)
Osaka, Japan, 7-11 December 2010
AIP Conference Proceedings 1388 (2011) 195-201.

140. Fast Vacuum Decay into Quark Pairs in Strong Color Electric and Magnetic Fields
Y. Hidaka, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
International Conference on ``Structure of Baryons'' (Baryons'10)
Osaka, Japan, 7-11 December 2010
AIP Conference Proceedings 1388 (2011) 516-519.

141. Relevant Gluonic Momentum for Confinement and Gauge-Invariant Formalism with Dirac-mode Expansion *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and A. Yamamoto
International Workshop on ``QCD Green's Functions, Confinement and Phenomenology II'' (QCD-TNT11)
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 5-9 September 2011
Proceedings of Science (QCD-TNT11) (2011) 044 (12 pages).

142. Lattice QCD Analysis for Instantaneous Interquark Potential in Generalized Landau Gauge
T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
28th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2010)
Sardinia, Italy, 14-19 June 2011
Proceedings of Science (LAT2010) (2010) 277 (7 pages).

143. Lattice QCD Study for Gluon Propagator and Gluon Spectral Function
H. Suganuma, T. Iritani, A. Yamamoto and H. Iida
28th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2010)
Sardinia, Italy, 14-19 June 2011
Proceedings of Science (LAT2010) (2010) 289 (7 pages).

144. Relevant Momentum Components of Gluons for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
28th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2010)
Sardinia, Italy, 14-19 June 2011
Proceedings of Science (LAT2010) (2010) 294 (7 pages).

145. Baryons and Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD from Superstring
H. Suganuma, K. Nawa and T. Kojo
14th High-Energy Physics International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD 08)
Montpellier, France, 7-12 July 2008
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 186 (2009) 248-251.

146. Lattice QCD Analysis for Gluons *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T. Iritani, A. Yamamoto and H. Iida
International Workshop on ``QCD Green's Functions, Confinement and Phenomenology'' (QCD-TNT09)
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 7-11 September 2009
Proceedings of Science (QCD-TNT09) (2009) 044 (12 pages).

147. Three-Quark Systems in MA and MC projected QCD
H. Iida, N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
26th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2008)
Williamsburg, USA, 14-19 July 2008
Proceedings of Science (LAT2008) (2008) 254 (7 pages).

148. Bound States of (Anti-)Scalar-Quarks in SU(3)c Lattice QCD
H. Iida, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
17th International ``Spin Physics'' Symposium (SPIN 2006)
Kyoto, Japan, 2-7 October 2006
AIP Conference Proceedings 915 (2007) 256-259.

149. Multi-Quarks and Two-Baryon Interaction in Lattice QCD
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi and T. Doi
Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC'05)
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 24-28 October 2005
AIP Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 231-233.

150. Meson-Meson and Meson-Baryon Interactions in Lattice QCD
T. Doi, T.T. Takahashi and H. Suganuma
Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC'05)
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 24-28 October 2005
AIP Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 246-248.

151. Nuclear Force in Lattice QCD
T.T. Takahashi, T. Doi and H. Suganuma
Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC'05)
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 24-28 October 2005
AIP Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 249-251.

152. Anisotropic Lattice QCD Studies of Penta-Quarks and Tetra-Quarks
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC'05)
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 24-28 October 2005
AIP Conference Proceedings 842 (2006) 492-494.

153. Anisotropic Lattice QCD Study of Pentaquark Baryons in Spin 3/2 Channel
T. Doi, N. Ishii, Y. Nemoto, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
23rd International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2005)
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 25-30 July 2005
Proceedings of Science (LAT2005) 064 (2006) (6 pages).

154. Lattice QCD Evidence for Exotic Tetraquark Resonance
H. Suganuma, K. Tsumura, N. Ishii and F. Okiharu
23rd International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2005)
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 25-30 July 2005
Proceedings of Science (LAT2005) 070 (2006) (6 pages).

155. J/Psi at High Temperatures in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
H. Iida, N. Ishii, T. Doi and H. Suganuma
23rd International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2005)
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 25-30 July 2005
Proceedings of Science (LAT2005) 184 (2006) (6 pages).

156. Study of Quark Confinement in Baryons with Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi, F. Okiharu and H. Ichie
International Workshop on ``QCD Down Under''
Barossa Valley and Adelaide, Australia, 10-19 March 2004
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 141 (2005) 92-98.

157. Lattice-QCD based Schwinger-Dyson Approach for Chiral Phase Transition
H. Iida, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
International Workshop on ``QCD Down Under''
Barossa Valley and Adelaide, Australia, 10-19 March 2004
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 141 (2005) 191-195.

158. Penta-Quark Anti-Decuplet in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
22nd International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2004)
Batavia, Illinois, USA, 21-26 June 2004
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 140 (2005) 269-271.

159. The Lattice QCD Simulation of the Quark-Gluon Mixed Condensate at Finite Temperature and the Phase Transition of QCD
T. Doi, N. Ishii, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
22nd International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2004)
Batavia, Illinois, USA, 21-26 June 2004
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 140 (2005) 559-561.

160. Lattice QCD Study for the Interquark Force in Three-Quark and Multi-Quark Systems *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi, F. Okiharu and H. Ichie
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI''
Sardinia, Italy, 21-25 Septemper 2004
AIP Conference Proceedings 756 (2005) 123-132.

161. Thermal Effects on the Condensates of Chiral Order Parameters, Quark Condensate and Quark-Gluon Mixed Condensate, and Chiral Restoration from Lattice QCD
T. Doi, N. Ishii, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
21st International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2003)
Tsukuba, Japan, 15-19 July 2003
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 129-130 (2004) 566-568.

162. MEM Analysis of Glueball Correlators at T>0
N. Ishii and H. Suganuma
21st International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2003)
Tsukuba, Japan, 15-19 July 2003
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 129-130 (2004) 581-583.

163. Lattice-QCD-based Schwinger-Dyson Approach for Chiral Symmetry Restoration at Finite Temperature
H. Iida, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
21st International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2003)
Tsukuba, Japan, 15-19 July 2003
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 129-130 (2004) 602-604.

164. Abelianization of QCD in the Maximally Abelian Gauge and the Nambu-'tHooft Picture for Color Confinement *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma and H. Ichie
9th High-Energy Physics International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics : QCD 02
Montpellier, France, 2-9 July 2002
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 121 (2003) 316-319.

165. The Thermal Width of the Glueball at Non-Zero Temperature
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
20th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2002)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 24-29 June 2002
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 119 (2003) 484-486.

166. Glueball Properties at Finite Temperature
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
19th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2001)
Berlin, Germany, 19-24 August 2001
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 106 (2002) 516-518.

167. Strong Randomness of Off-diagonal Gluon Phases and Off-diagonal Gluon Mass in the Maximally Abelian Gauge in QCD
H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya, H. Ichie, N. Ishii, H. Matsufuru and T.T. Takahashi
19th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2001)
Berlin, Germany, 19-24 August 2001
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 106 (2002) 679-681.

168. Possible Hadronic Molecule Lambda(1405) and Thermal Glueballs in SU(3) Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, N. Ishii, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and T.T. Takahashi
International Conference on ``4th Catania Relativistic Ion Studies: Exotic Clustering'' (CRIS2002)
Catania, Italy, 10-14 June 2002
AIP Conference Proceedings 644 (2002) 366-371.

169. Static Three Quark Potential in the Quenched Lattice QCD
H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto, H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi and T. Umeda
18th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 2000)
Bangalore, India, 17-22 August 2000
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 94 (2001) 554-557.

170. J/Psi at Finite Temperature - Lattice QCD Result and Potential Model Analysis
H. Matsufuru, O. Miyamura, H. Suganuma and T. Umeda
International Symposium on ``Hadrons and Nuclei''
Seoul, Korea, 20-22 February 2001
AIP Conference Proceedings 594 (2001) 258-265.

171. SU(3) Lattice QCD Study for Static Three-Quark Potential
T.T. Takahashi, H. Suganuma, H. Matsufuru and Y. Nemoto
International Symposium on ``Hadrons and Nuclei''
Seoul, Korea, 20-22 February 2001
AIP Conference Proceedings 594 (2001) 341-348.

172. SU(3) Lattice QCD Study for Octet and Decuplet Baryon Spectra
N. Nakajima, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Hadrons and Nuclei''
Seoul, Korea, 20-22 February 2001
AIP Conference Proceedings 594 (2001) 349-356.

173. Hadron Physics and Confinement Physics in Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya, H. Ichie, N. Ishii, H. Matsufuru, N. Nakajima, Y. Nemoto, M. Oka and T.T. Takahashi
International Symposium on ``Hadrons and Nuclei''
Seoul, Korea, 20-22 February 2001
AIP Conference Proceedings 594 (2001) 376-386.

174. Effective Mass Generation of Off-diagonal Gluons and Abelian Dominance in the Maximally Abelian Gauge in QCD
K. Amemiya and H. Suganuma
17th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 99)
Pisa, Italy, 29 June - 3 July 1999
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 83-84 (2000) 419-421.

175. Quark Confinement and Extended Monopole Clustering in the Multi-Instanton System
M. Fukushima, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
17th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 99)
Pisa, Italy, 29 June - 3 July 1999
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 83-84 (2000) 458-460.

176. Infrared Abelian Dominance and Dual Higgs Mechanism in Maximally Abelian Gauge
H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya and H. Ichie
17th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 99)
Pisa, Italy, 29 June - 3 July 1999
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 83-84 (2000) 547-549.

177. The Interaction between H-Dibaryon and the Property of H-Dibaryon Matter
T. Sakai, H. Suganuma, J. Mori, A.J. Buchmann, K. Shimizu and K. Yazaki
1st Asia Pacific Conference on ``Few-Body Problems in Physics''
Noda, Kashiwa, Japan, 23-25 Aug 1999
Few Body Systems Supplement 12 (2000) 201-204.

178. Instanton, Monopole Condensation and Confinement *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, M. Fukushima, H. Ichie and A. Tanaka
Topical Seminar on the ``Irresistible Rise of the Standard Model''
San Miniato, Italy, 21-25 April 1997.
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 65 (1998) 29-33.

179. The Role of Monopoles for Color Confinement
H. Ichie, A. Tanaka and H. Suganuma
15th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 97)
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 22-26 July 1997
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 63A-C (1998) 468-470.

180. Confinement Properties in the Multi-Instanton System
M. Fukushima, H. Suganuma, A. Tanaka, H. Toki and S. Sasaki
15th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 97)
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 22-26 July 1997
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 63A-C (1998) 513-515.

181. Distribution of Instanton and Monopole Clustering
M. Fukushima, A. Tanaka, S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma, H. Toki and D. Diakonov
14th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 96)
St. Louis, USA, 4-8 June 1996
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 53 (1997) 494-496.

182. Confinement and Topological Charge in the Abelian Gauge of QCD
H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki, H. Ichie, F. Araki and O. Miyamura
14th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 96)
St. Louis, USA, 4-8 June 1996
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 53 (1997) 528-530.

183. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory and Quark Nuclear Physics
H. Toki, S. Sasaki, H. Ichie, H. Monden and H. Suganuma
International Winter School on ``Particle and Nuclear Physics''
Seoul, Korea, 21-28 March 1996
Journal of the Korean Physical Society Proceedings Supplement 29 (1996) 346-351.

184. Evidence of Strong Correlation between Instanton and QCD-monopole on SU(2) Lattice *Cited 40+ *
H. Suganuma, A. Tanaka, S. Sasaki and O. Miyamura
13th International Symposium on ``Lattice Field Theory'' (Lattice 95)
Melbourne, Australia, 11-15 July 1995
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 47 (1996) 302-305.

Conference Papers in Proceedings (No.185-No.247)

185. Fast Vacuum Decay into Particle Pairs in Strong Electric and Magnetic Fields
Y. Hidaka, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
International Conference on Physics in Intense Fields
KEK, Japan, 24-26 November 2010
(KEK Proceedings, 2011) 150-152.

186. Baryons and Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma, A. Hosaka and T. Kojo
International Workshop on ``Hadron and Nuclear Physics 09''
Osaka, Japan, 16-19 November 2009
(World Scientific, 2010) 117-123.

187. Anisotropic Lattice QCD Studies of Penta-Quark Anti-Decuplet
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
International Workshop on ``Pentaquark04''
SPring-8, Japan, 20-23 July 2004
(World Scientific, 2005) 316-323.

188. The Static Penta-Quark Potential in Lattice QCD
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
International Workshop on ``Pentaquark04''
SPring-8, Japan, 20-23 July 2004
(World Scientific, 2005) 339-343.

189. Narrow Width of Penta-Quark Baryons in QCD String Theory *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, F. Okiharu and T.T. Takahashi
International Workshop on ``Pentaquark04''
SPring-8, Japan, 20-23 July 2004
(World Scientific, 2005) 414-421.

190. Y-type Flux-Tube Formation and Gluonic Excitations in Baryons: From QCD to Quark Model *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie and T.T. Takahashi
International Conference on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics''
RIKEN, Japan, 21-24 July 2003
(World Scientific, 2004) 249-261.

191. The Study of Chiral Restoration using the Quark-Gluon Mixed Condensate in Lattice QCD at Finite Temperature
T. Doi, H. Suganuma, M. Oka and N. Ishii
International Conference on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics''
RIKEN, Japan, 21-24 July 2003
(World Scientific, 2004) 398-402.

192. Properties of Thermal Glueballs
N. Ishii and H. Suganuma
International Conference on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics''
RIKEN, Japan, 21-24 July 2003
(World Scientific, 2004) 428-432.

193. Y-type Flux-Tube Formation in Baryons
T.T. Takahashi, H. Suganuma and H. Ichie
International Conference on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics''
RIKEN, Japan, 21-24 July 2003
(World Scientific, 2004) 470-474.

194. Chiral Symmetry Restoration at Finite Temperature in the Schwinger-Dyson Equation with Lattice QCD Data
H. Iida, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
International Conference on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics''
RIKEN, Japan, 21-24 July 2003
(World Scientific, 2004) 495.

195. Detailed Lattice-QCD Study for the Three-Quark Potential and Y-type Flux-Tube Formation
H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi and H. Ichie
17th International IUPAP Conference on ``Few-Body Problems in Physics'' (FB17)
Durham, USA, 5-10 June 2003
(Elsevier Science, 2004) S27-S29.

196. Lambda(1405) and Negative-Parity Baryons in Lattice QCD
Y. Nemoto, N. Nakajima, H. Matsufuru and H. Suganuma
International Workshop on ``Multi-Quark Hadrons: Four, Five and More?''
Kyoto, 17-19 February 2004
(eConf:C0402171, 2004) 3 pages.

197. Lattice QCD Study for the Quark Gluon Mixed Condensate
T. Doi, N. Ishii, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum V''
Gargnano, Brescia, Italy, 10-14 Septemper 2002
(World Scientific, 2003) 381-383.

198. The Thermal Glueball in SU(3) Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum V''
Gargnano, Brescia, Italy, 10-14 Septemper 2002
(World Scientific, 2003) 387-389.

199. Construction of Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory from the Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya, H. Ichie and Y. Koma
International Symposium on ``Nuclear Electro-Weak Spectroscopy: Symmetries and Electro-Weak Nuclear Processes''
Osaka, Japan, 9-12 March 1999.
(World Scientific, 2002) 137-144.

200. Glueball Properties in Anisotropic SU(3) Lattice QCD with Improved Action
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
International Workshop on ``Lepton Scattering, Hadrons and QCD''
Adelaide, Australia, 26 March - 6 April 2001
(World Scientific, 2001) 252-259.

201. Quark Confinement Physics from Lattice QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya, H. Ichie, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and T.T. Takahashi
International Symposium on ``Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement''
Osaka, Japan, 7-10 March 2000
(World Scientific, 2001) 103-119.

202. Deformation of Instantons in the External Color Fields
M. Fukushima and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement''
Osaka, Japan, 7-10 March 2000
(World Scientific, 2001) 183-192.

203. Confinement and Role of Instantons
H. Toki, M. Fukushima and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement''
Osaka, Japan, 7-10 March 2000
(World Scientific, 2001) 213-219.

204. Lattice QCD Study for Three Quark Potential
H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto, H. Suganuma, T.T. Takahashi and T. Umeda
International Symposium on ``Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement''
Osaka, Japan, 7-10 March 2000
(World Scientific, 2001) 246-256.

205. Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Strong Randomness of Off-diagonal Gluon Phase in the Maximally Abelian Gauge
K. Amemiya, H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement''
Osaka, Japan, 7-10 March 2000
(World Scientific, 2001) 333-336.

206. Confining Flux-Tube and Hadrons in QCD
Y. Koma, M. Takayama, H. Toki and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement''
Osaka, Japan, 7-10 March 2000
(World Scientific, 2001) 350-353.

207. Static Three Quark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD Monte Carlo Simulation
T.T. Takahashi, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
The TMU-Yale Symposium on ``Dynamics of Gauge Fields''
Tokyo, Japan, 13-15 December 1999
(Universal Academy Press, 2000) 179-180.

208. Instanton Properties in External Color Field
M. Fukushima and H. Suganuma
The TMU-Yale Symposium on ``Dynamics of Gauge Fields''
Tokyo, Japan, 13-15 December 1999
(Universal Academy Press, 2000) 213-222.

209. Infrared Higgs-like Mechanism of QCD in the MA Gauge
K. Amemiya and H. Suganuma
The TMU-Yale Symposium on ``Dynamics of Gauge Fields''
Tokyo, Japan, 13-15 December 1999
(Universal Academy Press, 2000) 223-224.

210. Intersection between Microscopic and Macroscopic Abelian Dominance in the Confinement Physics of QCD
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum III''
Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA, 8-13 June 1998
(World Scientific, 2000) 141-144.

211. From Lattice QCD to the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya and A. Tanaka
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum III''
Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA, 8-13 June 1998
(World Scientific, 2000) 145-148.

212. Origin of Abelian Dominance in QCD in the Maximally Abelian Gauge
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie and K. Amemiya
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum III''
Jefferson Lab, Virginia, USA, 8-13 June 1998
(World Scientific, 2000) 207-210.

213. Dual Higgs Theory for Confinement Phenomena
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
International Workshop on ``Future Directions in Quark Nuclear Physics''
Adelaide, Australia, 9-20 March 1998
(World Scientific, 1999) 34-43.

214. Confinement Physics in Quantum Chromodynamics *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, K. Amemiya and A. Tanaka
International Workshop on ``Future Directions in Quark Nuclear Physics''
Adelaide, Australia, 9-20 March 1998
(World Scientific, 1999) 44-54.

215. Dual Higgs Theory in the Confinement Physics of QCD
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
International Workshop on ``Understanding Deconfinement in QCD''
Trento, Italy, 1-13 March 1999
(World Scientific, 1999) 65-72.

216. Confinement Physics and Topology in QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, K. Amemiya, A. Tanaka and H. Ichie
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 254-263.

217. Properties of the QCD Vacuum in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
S. Umisedo, H. Toki and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 272-274.

218. Monopoles in QCD
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 278-280.

219. Dual Wilson Loop and Inter-Monopole Potential in Lattice QCD
A. Tanaka and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 281-283.

220. Gluon Propagator in Maximally Abelian Gauge and Abelian Dominance for Long-Range Interaction
K. Amemiya and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 284-286.

221. Behavior of Monopole Trajectories in the Instanton and Anti-instanton System at Finite Temperature
F. Araki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 290-292.

222. H-Dibaryon Matter in the Skyrme Model on a Hypersphere
T. Sakai and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 306-308.

223. Hadronic Flux-Tubes in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
Y. Koma, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 315-317.

224. Instantons and Monopoles for Nonperturbative QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, F. Araki, M. Fukushima, H. Ichie, Y. Koma, S. Sasaki, A. Tanaka, H. Toki and S. Umisedo
International Workshop on ``Exciting Physics with New Accelerator Facilities''
SPring-8, Hyogo, Japan, 11-13 March 1997
(World Scientific, 1998) 74-85.

225. Recent Progress in Nonperturbative QCD Theory and Insight on Cosmological Phase Transition *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, H. Toki and H. Monden
International Symposium on ``Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies''
Atami, Japan, 18-20 January 1996
(World Scientific, 1997) 354-366.

226. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Nonperturbative QCD Phenomena
H. Toki, H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki, H. Ichie, H. Monden, S. Umisedo, A. Tanaka, M. Fukushima and F. Araki
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum II''
Como, Italy, 26-29 June 1996
(World Scientific, 1997) 36-48.

227. Finite Temperature SD Equation for Chiral Symmetry Restoration in Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum II''
Como, Italy, 26-29 June 1996
(World Scientific, 1997) 301-304.

228. Instanton, Monopole and Confinement
S. Sasaki, M. Fukushima, A. Tanaka, H. Suganuma, H. Toki, O. Miyamura and D. Diakonov
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum II''
Como, Italy, 26-29 June 1996
(World Scientific, 1997) 305-308.

229. QCD Phase Transition at High Temperature in Cosmology
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, H. Monden, S. Sasaki, M. Orito, T. Yamamoto and T. Kajino
International Conference on ``Particles and Nuclei'' (PANIC'96)
Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, 22-28 May 1996
(World Scientific, 1997) 483-484.

230. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Nonperturbative QCD Phenomena
H. Toki, H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki, H. Ichie, H. Monden, S. Umisedo, A. Tanaka, M. Fukushima and F. Araki
Circum-Pan-Pacific Workshop on ``High-Energy Spin Physics''
Kobe, Japan, 2-4 October 1996
(Kobe Univ. Press, 1997) 157-167.

231. Dual Higgs Mechanism and Nonperturbative QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki, H. Ichie, H. Toki and F. Araki
International Symposium on ``Nuclear Physics Frontiers with Electro-Weak Probes :
Quark Nuclear Physics with GeV Photons and Symmetry Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 7-9 March 1996.
(World Scientific, 1996) 177-190.

232. Quark Nuclear Physics
H. Toki and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Nuclear Reaction Dynamics of Nucleon-Hadron Many Body System
- From Nuclear Spins and Mesons in Nuclei to Quark Lepton Nuclear Physics -''
Osaka, Japan, 6-9 December 1995
(World Scientific, 1996) 99-105.

233. QCD Phase Transition and Hadron Bubble Formation in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Ichie, H. Monden, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
International Symposium on ``Nuclear Reaction Dynamics of Nucleon-Hadron Many Body System
- From Nuclear Spins and Mesons in Nuclei to Quark Lepton Nuclear Physics -''
Osaka, Japan, 6-9 December 1995
(World Scientific, 1996) 246-251.

234. Chiral Symmetry Restoration at Finite Temperature in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
International Conference on ``The Structure of Baryons'' (Baryons'95)
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 3-7 October 1995
(World Scientific, 1996) 555-558.

235. Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Toki, S. Sasaki, H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
International Symposium on ``Nuclear Physics''
Bombay, India, 18-22 December 1995
(Perfect Prints, 1996) 624-632.

236. Correlation between Instantons and QCD-monopoles in the Abelian Gauge *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, K. Itakura, H. Toki and O. Miyamura
International Workshop on ``Non-Perturbative Approaches to Quantum Chromodynamics''
Trento, Italy, 10-29 July 1995
(PNPI press, 1995) 224-238.

237. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Nonperturbative QCD *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, S. Sasaki and H. Toki
International Workshop on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons''
Osaka, Japan, 22-24 March 1995
(World Scientific, 1995) 65-74.

238. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
H. Toki, H. Suganuma and S. Sasaki
International Workshop on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons''
Osaka, Japan, 22-24 March 1995
(World Scientific, 1995) 227-234.

239. Quark-Hadron Phase Transition in the Early Universe
T. Kajino, M. Orito, T. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
International Workshop on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons''
Osaka, Japan, 22-24 March 1995
(World Scientific, 1995) 263-274.

240. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Quark Confinement and Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking
H. Toki, H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki and H. Ichie
Second International Symposium on ``Medium Energy Physics'' (ISMEP'94)
Beijing, China, 22-26 August 1994
(World Scientific, 1995) 227-234.

241. Color Confinement and Dynamical Effect of Light Quarks in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki and H. Toki
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum''
Como, Italy, 20-24 June 1994
(World Scientific, 1995) 238-240.

242. Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and The Hadron Spectrum''
Como, Italy, 20-24 June 1994
(World Scientific, 1995) 241-243.

243. Chiral Phase Transition at Finite Temperature in the QCD-Monopole Condensed Vacuum
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
International Workshop on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons''
Osaka, Japan, 22-24 March 1995
(World Scientific, 1995) 291.

244. Deconfinement Phase Transition at Finite Temperature in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Ichie, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
International Workshop on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons''
Osaka, Japan, 22-24 March 1995
(World Scientific, 1995) 292.

245. Surface Tension in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Monden, H. Suganuma, H. Ichie and H. Toki
International Workshop on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons''
Osaka, Japan, 22-24 March 1995
(World Scientific, 1995) 293.

246. Quark and Antiquark Pair Creation in QGP Formation *Invited Talk*
H. Suganuma and T. Tatsumi
International Symposium on ``High Energy Nuclear Collisions and Quark Gluon Plasma''
Kyoto, Japan, 6-8 June 1991
(World Scientific, 1992) 227-232.

247. Symmetry Behavior in Strong Magnetic Field and Cabibbo Angle
T. Tatsumi and H. Suganuma
International Conference on ``Nuclear Weak Process and Nuclear Structure''
Osaka, Japan, 12-15 June 1989
(World Scientific, 1989) 76-82.

``Famous'', ``Very Well-known'', ``Well-known'' Papers
categorized by Physics database, INSPIRE

``Famous'' Papers (Cited 250-499, INSPIRE)

*Cited 265*
Detailed Analysis of the Three Quark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD
T.T. Takahashi, H. Suganuma, Y. Nemoto and H. Matsufuru
Physical Review D65 (2002) 114509 (19 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

``Very Well-known'' Papers (Cited 100-249, INSPIRE)

*Cited 236*
Color Confinement, Quark Pair Creation and Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki and H. Toki
Nuclear Physics B435 (1995) 207-240.
[Nuclear Physics B] [Physics database]

*Cited 235*
Three-Quark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD
T.T. Takahashi, H. Matsufuru, Y. Nemoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review Letters 86 (2001) 18-21.
[Physical Review Letters] [Physics database]

*Cited 175*
Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance in the Maximally Abelian Gauge in Lattice QCD
K. Amemiya and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D60 (1999) 114509 (9 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 152*
On the Behavior of Symmetry and Phase Transitions in a Strong Electromagnetic Field
H. Suganuma and T. Tatsumi
Annals of Physics 208 (1991) 470-508.
[Annals of Physics]

*Cited 120*
Detailed Analysis of the Tetraquark Potential and Flip Flop in SU(3) Lattice QCD
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Physical Review D72 (2005) 014505 (17 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 120*
Baryons in Holographic QCD
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Physical Review D75 (2007) 086003 (24 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 102*
First Study for the Pentaquark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD
F. Okiharu, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Physical Review Letters 94 (2005) 192001 (4 pages).
[Physical Review Letters] [Physics database]

``Well-known'' Papers (Cited 50-99, INSPIRE)

*Cited 83*
Penta-Quark Baryon in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, T. Doi, H. Iida, M. Oka, F. Okiharu and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D71 (2005) 034001 (11 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 81*
Glueball Properties at Finite Temperature in SU(3) Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
Physical Review D66 (2002) 094506 (22 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 78*
Scalar Glueball Mass Reduction at Finite Temperature in SU(3) Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and H. Matsufuru
Physical Review D66 (2002) 014507 (5 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 70*
Negative-Parity Baryon Spectrum in Quenched Anisotropic Lattice QCD
Y. Nemoto, N. Nakajima, H. Matsufuru and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D68 (2003) 094505 (14 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 65*
Charmonium Properties in Deconfinement Phase in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
H. Iida, T. Doi, N. Ishii, H. Suganuma and K. Tsumura
Physical Review D74 (2006) 074502 (12 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 62*
Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory with QCD-Monopoles for Dynamical Chiral-Symmetry Breaking
S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Progress of Theoretical Physics 94 (1995) 373-384.
[Progresss of Theoretical Physics]

*Cited 58*
Gluon-Propagator Functional Form in the Landau Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD:
Yukawa-type Gluon Propagator and Anomalous Gluon Spectral Function
T. Iritani, H. Suganuma and H. Iida
Physical Review D80 (2009) 114505 (20 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 56*
Clustering of Monopoles in the Instanton Vacuum
M. Fukushima, S. Sasaki, H. Suganuma, A. Tanaka, H. Toki and D. Diakonov
Physics Letters B399 (1997) 141-147.
[Physics Letters B] [Physics database]

*Cited 51*
Off-diagonal Gluon Mass Generation and Infrared Abelian Dominance in Maximally Abelian Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D86 (2012) 094018 (5 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 50*
Detailed Analysis of the Gluonic Excitation in the Three-Quark System in Lattice QCD
T.T. Takahashi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D70 (2004) 074506 (9 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 50*
Chiral Symmetry and Quark-Anti-quark Pair Creation in a Strong Color Electromagnetic Field
H. Suganuma and T. Tatsumi
Progress of Theoretical Physics 90 (1993) 379-404.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics]

*Cited 50*
Gluonic Excitation of the Three-Quark System in SU(3) Lattice QCD
T.T. Takahashi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review Letters 90 (2003) 182001 (4 pages).
[Physical Review Letters] [Physics database]

Next to ``Well-known'' Papers (Cited 30-49, INSPIRE)

*Cited 47*
QCD Phase Transition at Finite Temperature in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
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Physical Review D52 (1995) 2944-2950.
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 46*
Evidence of Strong Correlation between Instanton and QCD-monopole on SU(2) Lattice
H. Suganuma, A. Tanaka, S. Sasaki and O. Miyamura
Nuclear Physics B Proceedings Supplements 47 (1996) 302-305.
[Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl.] [Physics database]

*Cited 45*
Tetra-Quark Resonances in Lattice QCD
H. Suganuma, K. Tsumura, N. Ishii and F. Okiharu
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 168-172.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

*Cited 42*
Monopoles and Gluon Fields in QCD in the Maximally Abelian Gauge
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics B574 (2000) 70-106.
[Nuclear Physics B] [Physics database]

*Cited 42*
Instantons and Monopoles in the Nonperturbative QCD
H. Suganuma, H. Ichie, A. Tanaka and K. Amemiya
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 131 (1998) 559-571.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

*Cited 40*
Abelian Dominance for Confinement and Random Phase Property of Off Diagonal Gluons in the Maximally Abelian Gauge
H. Ichie and H. Suganuma
Nuclear Physics B548 (1999) 365-382.
[Nuclear Physics B] [Physics database]

*Cited 40*
Quark Tensor Charge and Electric Dipole Moment within the Schwinger-Dyson Formalism
N. Yamanaka, T.M. Doi, S. Imai and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D88 (2013) 074036 (16 pages).
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*Cited 38*
Perfect Abelian Dominance of Quark Confinement in SU(3) QCD
N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D90 - Rapid Communications (2014) 111501(R) (6 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 38*
Gluon Propagators in Maximally Abelian Gauge in SU(3) Lattice QCD
S. Gongyo and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D87 (2013) 074506 (12 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 38*
Gauge-Invariant Formalism with a Dirac-mode Expansion for Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
S. Gongyo, T. Iritani and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D86 (2012) 034510 (11 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 35*
Flux-Tube Ring and Glueball Properties in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
Y. Koma, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physical Review D60 (1999) 074024 (9 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 34*
Dual Higgs Mechanism for Quarks in Hadrons
H. Suganuma, S. Sasaki, H. Toki and H. Ichie
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 120 (1995) 57-74.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

*Cited 32*
Spin 3/2 Pentaquarks in Anisotropic Lattice QCD
N. Ishii, T. Doi, Y. Nemoto, M. Oka and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D72 (2005) 074503 (15 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 32*
Multi-Flux-Tube System in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory
H. Ichie, H. Suganuma and H. Toki
Physical Review D54 (1996) 3382-3388.
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 32*
Brane-induced Skyrmions -Baryons in Holographic QCD-
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 168 (2007) 231-236.
[Progress of Theoretical Physics] [Physics database]

*Cited 32*
Tetraquark and Pentaquark Systems in Lattice QCD
F. Okiharu, T. Doi, H. Ichie, H. Iida, N. Ishii, M. Oka, H. Suganuma and T.T. Takahashi
Journal of Modern Physics 7 (Special Issue on QCD) (2016) 774-789,
revised version of hep-ph/0507187, unpublished proceeding at International Workshop on
``Quark Nuclear Physics'', Phoenix Park, Korea, 22-24 February 2005.
[Journal of Modern Physics] [Physics database]

*Cited 32*
Brane-induced Skyrmion on S3: Baryonic Matter in Holographic QCD
K. Nawa, H. Suganuma and T. Kojo
Physical Review D79 (2009) 026005 (25 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 30*
Relevant Energy Scale of Color Confinement from Lattice QCD
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D79 (2009) 054504 (11 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

*Cited 30*
Lattice Analysis for the Energy Scale of QCD Phenomena
A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma
Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 241601 (4 pages).
[Physical Review Letters] [Physics database]

*Cited 30*
Three-Quark Potential and Abelian Dominance of Confinement in SU(3) QCD
N. Sakumichi and H. Suganuma
Physical Review D92 (2015) 034511 (7 pages).
[Physical Review D] [Physics database]

Invited Talks at International Conferences
(35 Invited Talks)

1, Color-Magnetic Correlation in SU(3) Lattice QCD
XVIth International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum''
Cairns, Australia, 19- 24 August 2024.

2. Thermodynamic Potential of the Polyakov Loop in SU(3) Quenched Lattice QCD
12th International Conference on ``New Frontiers in Physics'' (ICNFP2023)
Crete, Greece, 10-23 July 2023.

3. Topological Objects in Holographic QCD
8th International Conference on ``New Frontiers in Physics'' (ICNFP2019)
Crete, Greece, 21-29 August 2019.

4. Matter-Antimatter Coexistence Method for Finite Density QCD
International Workshop on ``Excited QCD 2017''
Sintra, Portugal, 7-13 May 2017.

5. Some Relations for Quark Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in QCD
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XII''
Thessaloniki, Greece, 29 August - 3 September 2016.

6. Interplay between Deconfinement and Chiral Properties
International Conference on ``Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement 2016 (CPOD2016)''
Wroclaw, Poland, 30 May - 4 June 2016.

7. Perfect Abelian Dominance of Confinement in Quark-Antiquark Potential in SU(3) Lattice QCD
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum XI''
St. Petersburg, Russia, 7-13 September 2014.

8. Analytical Relation between Confinement and Chiral Symmetry Breaking
in terms of Polyakov Loop and Dirac Eigenmodes in Odd-Number Lattice QCD
QCD-TNT-III International Workshop on ``From Quarks and Gluons to Hadronic Matter: A bridge too far?''
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2-6 September 2013.

9. Relevant Gluonic Momentum for Confinement and Gauge-Invariant Formalism with Dirac-mode Expansion
QCD-TNT-II International Workshop on ``QCD Green's Functions, Confinement, and Phenomenology II''
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 5-9 September 2011.

10. Lattice QCD Study for Confinement in Hadrons
International Conference on ``Structure of Baryons'' : Baryons'10
Osaka, Japan, 7-11 December 2010.

11. Lattice QCD Analysis for Gluons
QCD-TNT International Workshop on ``QCD Green's Functions, Confinement, and Phenomenology''
ECT*, Trento, Italy, 7-11 September 2009.

12. Inter-Quark Potentials in Baryons and Multi-Quark Systems in QCD
International Conference on ``Chiral Symmetry in Hadron and Nuclear Physics'' : Chiral 07
Osaka, Japan, 13-16 November 2007.

13. Tetra-Quark Resonances in Lattice QCD
International Seminar on ``New Frontiers in QCD: Exotic Hadrons and Hadronic Matter''
Kyoto, Japan, 20 November - 8 December 2006.

14. Lattice QCD Study for Confinement and Hadrons
International Conference on ``High Energy and Mathematical Physics''
Cadi Ayyad Univ. Marrakech, Morocco, 4-7 April 2005.

15. Lattice QCD Study for the Interquark Force in Three-Quark and Multi-Quark Systems
International Conference on ``Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum VI''
Sardinia, Italy, 21-25 September 2004.

16. Narrow Width of Penta-Quark Baryons in QCD String Theory
International Workshop on ``Pentaquark04''
SPring-8, Japan, 20-23 July 2004

17. Study of Quark Confinement in Baryons with Lattice QCD
International Workshop on ``QCD Down Under''
Barossa Valley and Adelaide, Australia, 10-19 March 2004.

18. Y-type Flux-Tube Formation and Gluonic Excitations in Baryons: From QCD to Quark Model
International Conference on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons in Quantum Chromodynamics''
RIKEN, Japan, 21-24 July 2003.

19. Abelianization of QCD in the Maximally Abelian Gauge and the Nambu-'tHooft Picture for Color Confinement
9th High-Energy Physics International Conference in Quantum Chromodynamics : QCD 02
Montpellier, France, 2-9 July 2002.

20. Hadron Physics and Confinement Physics in Lattice QCD
International Symposium on ``Hadrons and Nuclei''
Seoul, Korea, 20-22 February 2001.

21. Quark Confinement Physics from Lattice QCD
International Symposium on ``Quantum Chromodynamics and Color Confinement''
Osaka, Japan, 7-10 March 2000.

22. Construction of Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory from the Lattice QCD
International Symposium on ``Nuclear Electro-Weak Spectroscopy: Symmetries and Electro-Weak Nuclear-Processes''
Osaka, Japan, 9-12 March 1999.

23. Quark Confinement Physics from Quantum Chromodynamics
International Symposium on ``Physics of Hadrons and Nuclei''
Tokyo, Japan, 14-17 December 1998.

24. Confinement Physics in Quantum Chromodynamics
International Workshop on ``Future Directions in Quark Nuclear Physics''
Adelaide, Australia, 9-20 March 1998.

25. Instantons and Monopoles in the Nonperturbative QCD
International Seminar on ``Non-Perturbative QCD: Structure of the QCD Vacuum''
Kyoto, Japan, 2-12 December 1997.

26. Confinement Physics and Topology in QCD
International Symposium on ``Innovative Computational Methods in Nuclear Many-Body Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 10-15 November 1997.

27. Instanton, Monopole Condensation and Confinement
Topical Seminar on the ``Irresistible Rise of the Standard Model''
San Miniato, Italy, 21-25 April 1997.

28. Instantons and Monopoles for Nonperturbative QCD
International Workshop on ``Exciting Physics with New Accelerator Facilities''
SPring-8, Hyogo, Japan, 11-13 March 1997.

29. Dual Higgs Mechanism and Nonperturbative QCD
International Symposium on ``Nuclear Physics Frontiers with Electro-Weak Probes : Quark Nuclear Physics with GeV Photons and Symmetry Problems''
Osaka, Japan, 7-9 March 1996.

30. Recent Progress in Nonperturbative QCD Theory and Insight on Cosmological Phase Transition
International Symposium on ``Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies''
Atami, Japan, 18-20 January 1996.

31. Monopole Dominance for Nonperturbative QCD
Joint Japan Australia Workshop on ``Quarks, Hadrons and Nuclei''
Adelaide, Australia, 15-24 November 1995.

32. Correlation between Instantons and QCD-monopoles in the Abelian Gauge
International Workshop on ``Non-Perturbative Approaches to Quantum Chromodynamics''
Trento, Italy, 10-29 July 1995.

33. Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Nonperturbative QCD
International Workshop on ``Color Confinement and Hadrons''
Osaka, Japan, 22-24 March 1995.

34. Dual Higgs Mechanism for Quarks in Hadrons
International Workshop on ``From Hadronic Matter to Quark Matter: Evolving View of Hadronic Matter''
Kyoto, Japan, 30 October - 1 November 1994.

35. Quark and Antiquark Pair Creation in QGP Formation
International Symposium on ``High Energy Nuclear Collisions and Quark Gluon Plasma''
Kyoto, Japan, 6-8 June 1991